Chapter 8

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When I came out of the bathroom he was gone, but this wasn't surprising. I walked over to my window to lock it as usual and I saw a small white daisy on my window sill. I looked out of the window and smiled, these flowers grew just outside my window, he must have picked one for me when he climbed out, and left it there knowing I would see it when I locked the window. My heart skipped a beat and I smiled, a little confused. That was so unlike Liam to do something like that.

I sighed as I tucked the little flower into my pony tail and then headed to the kitchen, grabbing two juice boxes. I scribbled a note for Jake telling him that I had gone dancing, and that I would help him clear up later if he would let Kate and Sarah come over to watch a movie tonight. I knew he would go for it, this was my usual bribe for helping him clear up after his parties; they would come over to ours in the evening and he would pay for pizza and a movie. All he had to do was put up with two flirty girls hitting on him and Liam all night, as usually he came over too, if he didn't have a date.

I skipped out of the front door into his car that was already running outside my house. "Hey, got you this," I chirped, handing him the drink.

"Thanks. Got you this." He smiled, handing me a slice of toast.

I laughed. "That's a pretty good exchange," I said, smiling at him and eating it. "Oh, I need to go to Benny's and get doughnuts, if that's alright." I looked at him hopefully while we were driving down the high street. He nodded and was still beaming. "Why so happy today?" I asked, curious as to why he was smiling so much. He couldn't have had much sleep and I knew he was still tired, I could tell by his eyes.

"I had a good night last night that's all. I finally scored with some really hot chick that I've been after for a while." He winked at me, his genuine smile turning into his stupid smirk.

My insides felt like someone had shoved a chainsaw into my stomach. He had hooked up with someone, and then came on to me in the bed? That stupid jerk! I'd kissed him, a proper kiss too, and he had used some girl for sex before that! Ugh, the stupid man-whore, I knew I shouldn't have expected any different. I turned away so he couldn't see how hurt I was, and glared out of my window, refusing to cry. Crying is for the weak. I hardly ever let anyone see me cry, but some people we already behind the defences I had built so I couldn't help it. He pulled up outside Benny's and I jumped out, wanting to be away from him. I ordered twenty assorted doughnuts, heavy on the chocolate variety because they were my favourites.

When I got back in the car, Liam smiled. "Got enough there?" he joked, looking at the two huge boxes I had in my arms.

I just nodded and turned up the radio. "I like this song," I lied; I had no idea what it was but I just didn't want to talk to him.

He shot me a weird glance. "You hate rave music," he said, frowning and turning it down. Actually, he was right, I did hate that stuff, but I would rather that than talk to him, the lying slut.

We pulled up outside the studio where my crew rehearsed every Saturday, we were a street dancing crew and we were pretty good too. We had entered a dance battle last week against ten other crews in the area and had come second, winning over $1,000 in prize money. Not that we ever saw any of the money, it went straight on studio time and uniforms, music, and fliers or posters. I loved to dance, street dance was my favourite and anything that went with a hip hop beat got my vote. It had always been my dream since I was a little girl to have my own dance studio, maybe one day I'd get there, but it seemed highly unlikely.

"Hey, I'm so sorry guys, I overslept," I said, looking at them all apologetically as I walked in.

Justin pulled me into a big hug and I tried not to flinch away from him; he was wearing his trademark piece of pink in the form of a cap today. "That's OK. I'd oversleep too if I had that fine ass in my bed," he teased with a grin as he nodded over my shoulder towards Liam. I rolled my eyes and put the doughnuts on the table, grabbing a chocolate one quickly before they all went. I headed over to say hi to the other guys. There were eight of us in our crew, four girls and four guys. I was happily chatting with the guys, when Justin called everyone to start. "Seeing as we are already forty-five minutes late because someone couldn't drag her ass out of bed on time, we'd better get started," he stated, throwing me a mock glare and making me laugh.

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