Chapter 4

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"Calm down, you've still got time. Now, what sort of thing does she like?" I asked, thinking about Terri and all the things I knew about her.

"I wanted to get her something she could keep, but I don't know what...." He closed his eyes, obviously panicking.

"Sean, calm down. How about some pretty earrings? She likes studs, right? You could also get her a new jewellery box or something to put them in," I suggested.

His face brightened. "Yeah! She has this like old crappy jewellery box at the moment. That's a great idea! Oh God thank you, Amber. I owe you big time! I'm gonna skip this morning so I can go get it," he said, smiling excitedly and running off, shouting bye over his shoulder. I walked back to the school and noticed that there was hardly anyone around.

Holy crap, am I late? I started to run down the hallway; I could see Liam and a couple of his friends walking towards me.

"Slow down, Angel, you'll fall," Liam shouted, smirking at me as I half ran, half walked towards him. As I passed him, he stuck his foot out tripping me up, but before I hit the floor he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, and pulled me upright. "Jeez, Angel, I know I'm hot, but you don't need to fall at my feet," he teased, making all his friends laugh. I slapped him hard on the chest, glaring at him. "Oh I like it a bit rough, Angel, you know that," he said, smiling wickedly. He still hadn't let go of my waist, he stepped forward and pressed his body against mine, his hands slipped down to my ass. "Mmm nice," he purred in my ear.

I hated being touched; it brought back memories of my Father. I gasped, and before I could even think about what I was doing, I jerked my leg up and kneed him in the balls. He grunted and let go quickly, bending in half and clutching his groin.

"Keep your f**king hands off me!" I shouted, trying not to cry. I was struggling to breathe and my hands were shaking.

I turned to run away but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. "Angel, I was only joking around, you know I'd never hurt you," he moaned. His voice cracked slightly, it sounded like he was in pain.

He looked straight into my eyes; I could see the honesty in his deep blue watery eyes. He pulled me into a hug and put his lips to my neck, just where it joined my shoulder and breathed deeply through his nose, sending his hot breath blowing down my neck and back. This is what he always did to calm me down, when I would sob on his shoulder; this was the only thing that seemed to work. I could feel his heart beating fast against my chest, so I focused on matching my breathing to the pace of his. I breathed in his smell until I had calmed myself down. I pulled back and he was just looking at me, sorrow clear across his face.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, Angel, I didn't think," he said apologetically.

I nodded and sniffed, wiping my face on my sleeve. "I'm sorry too. Did I hurt you?" I asked, wincing at the thought of how hard I had kneed him.

He shrugged. "I'm OK, it was my fault," he replied, bending to look into my eyes again. I looked away quickly, feeling uncomfortable. I had a feeling that when Liam looked into my eyes, he could see the real me, the one I tried to hide from everyone, the scared little girl that doesn't like people to touch her because it brought back memories of those Sundays and my father leading me over to the couch, guiding me to sit on his lap. When people touched me, even girls, my heart went into overdrive and I always start to feel sick. The only exceptions to this are my mom, Jake and Liam. This was the exact reason that I didn't date. The thought of someone touching me or kissing me, made my skin crawl.

I looked away from him and noticed that he had a big wet patch on his shoulder where I had been crying. I wiped it, frowning. "I ruined your shirt."

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