+Chapter One+

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"Good bye Kassandra." Were his last words that he spoke to me that night; the night of the first snowfall in twenty years. I stood frozen in place outside with tears falling down my frozen face. I watched as he turned around and left and walked further and further away. When he became invisible through the harsh snowfall, I fell down to my knees and looked at his foot prints in the snow. He was gone.

The following weeks were pitiful. I stayed up in my room late at night, watching as more snow fell from the sky to the ground hopping that he would appear at my front gate. I would go to school, hoping to see his car pull in into the parking lot, of seeing him getting out and saying hello. As I walked through the hallways of the school I was tormented by memories. I would imagine him being there and saying something that he would definitely say. Sometimes I would even trick myself into believing he was really there, beside me and talking. Then some student who was near me, also walking to his or her class would mumble something like 'Is she crazy?' or 'Who is she talking to?' and I would come back to reality. I lost all sense of communication with others and became one of those students people would watch and laugh or criticise. Everyone presumed that he left because he didn't love me anymore and found someone else that was better then me. They said that he changed schools because he wanted to be with her and to forget me all together. I let them believe what they wanted, since I knew that no matter what I would say, they would continue thinking the way they would want to.

I sat in that snow for an hour and half, before my friend Derek found me and picked me up in his arms. He did not ask what had happened; he just stated that he heard from my parents that I had been late and that they were worried that something had happened due to the snow, and that he was glad I was alright. He brought me home and stayed by my side all night.

I had asked him how he knew where I was, at the park near the beach, and he replied by saying 'I thought you might be there since you love the scenery and the way you act and talk there is cheerful and you always have a smile on your lips when your there. Last summer you invited me over to come with you and I remembered you stating that it was a place where you enjoy going a lot because it calmed you and cheered you up when there was something wrong. I thought you would likely be there, despite the snow covering it up.' He never asked why I was there that night, but I knew that he probably figured it out the next day when Xavier wasn't at school. All his things were gone, his locker had been locked up with another lock and his name was already removed from all the presence sheets. Derek came to talk to me a few times during the following days, but now he barely does.

Months passed of me being alone and believing more and more that I would never be able to love or even talk to anyone again. Looking back, those thoughts were probably the least of my worries.

My parents died a mysterious death when I was 7 years old, and I was then forced to live with my Aunt Alexandra. She is a great mother, but not as great as my real mother Marissa. I remembered from my childhood memories how my mother and father would leave all of a sudden and would rush out the door by saying to me 'Everything is going to be alright, please wait for us when we return.' Sometimes they would come back in a few minutes, other times they would be gone for a very long time. I remember once, when they returned, that my mother had gotten a really deep cut on the side of her right arm. She told me it was nothing, that she was so clumsy that she fell by tripping over a little rock that was on the path. I would laugh and think nothing of it, but now I wonder what really happened.

The night that they did not return was the night that Aunt Alexandra walked through the doors saying that my parents wouldn't be able to come home tonight. She said that she would sleep here for today and then she would be leaving in the morning. When the morning came, she told me that they had died in a car accident on the way back home.

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