+Chapter Five+

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I willed myself to close my eyes, to forget that I was about to get killed by the one I had fallen in love with. But even my eyes wouldn’t listen to me at this point. Nothing did. I tried to will myself to run, to do anything to try and save myself from my death, but nothing listened. I looked at the man I love and begged in my mind for him not to kill me.

A loud laughter erupted behind Xavier, and I slightly looked away to see Renard getting up and moving forward.

Xavier launched himself towards me, I winced, preparing for the horror and pain of death, when I realized that I wasn’t feeling any pain at all. As though I had regained my eyesight, I noticed that Xavier had shoved me quickly towards Alicia and then launched his attack on Renard.

Renard looked stunned and shocked, and maybe a hint of predictability was traced outside of his eyes. They had started to fight like Stikes had against Alexander but somehow I knew that the speed that Xavier and Renard were going through was much faster then the previous fight I had witnessed before.

Alicia grabbed my arm then, and made me walk a few steps backwards toward the doors. I guess that she wasn’t confident enough to stay where she was.

The fight suddenly stopped for a moment and both looked very exhausted and were standing arms reach of each other, staring into each others eyes.

"You were the one who killed Alan and Alexander, weren’t you?" He said, between breaths, sounding completly defeated.

Xavier’s face softened. "I killed Alan, yes."

Renard suddenly yelled out in rage and attacked once more. Xavier fell and seemed unable to fight back. I couldn’t see him clrealy at the moment, but I knew something was wrong. Xavier was about to be killed, and I am standing here like a moron watching it.

I imagined Renard flying towards the desk, so violenty that he would break his back bones apart and would snap his neck at the same time, while looking at him.

He started to stare at me suddenly, as though what I wanted to do was predictable. I didn’t waver my thoughts and me trying to use my powerful weapon.

In a few short moments he went flying to the desk, I heard the sound of his neck crack and I started to see blood spilling towards the chair beside him. He was dead. I had killed him. Of all the people in this room, all who were stronger then me, I had killed Renard.

A cold hand suddenly was on her right shoulder. "I knew you could do it."

I turned around, shocked. It was Stikes, but his whole left arm was covered in blood. There was blood on his face too, but I couldn’t tell if it was from another wound or if it was blood from his arm. Alicia yelled in happiness. "Oh my Kassandra! You were amazing! Just like those really cool female heropoes in books!"

All this didn’t seem to register enough in my mind to reply. My gaze was fixed on Xavier, who was still lying on the ground. He was breathing, but that didn’t seem to matter enough for me to stay away from him.

As I ran beside him, I gasped.

He had blood flowing from the top left of his head, he obviously had a dislocated shoulder, seeing as how unnatural it looked compared to Stikes’s. His ankle seemed a bit off, but I was no expert on ankles. Xavier had his eyes shut, but he slowly opened them and manage to make a slight smile.

"Good job. Now help me get up." He stated, his voice sounding like he was in a lot of pain.

I nodded and was about to reach for his left arm, but Stikes words halted me to a stop.

"You moron. You can’t get up now. What if you have a concussion? We might be hakf-monsters but we don’t heal fast, nor are we immune to concussions."

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