+Chapter Three+

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Xavier did not reply. Instead he started to fight Lee and ordered Stikes to stay with me. Stikes appeared instantly in front of me and told me not to do anything else stupid. He also told me to get ready to fight. I did not understand what he meant, but when I looked at him, when I was about to ask, he glared me to shut up and just do it. So I did.

I watched as the guy who left me all of a sudden, leaving me for just over three months now, fighting to protect me. Obviously, there was more I did not know. Who was Xavier really? Who was Stikes? Was he human? As I looked at the fight, I noticed that I knew almost nothing on all three of them. But the one that annoyed me the most about not knowing was that I knew nothing about Xavier.

The fight lasted for a long time. There were obviously at the same level. Xavier had good agility, good strategies which worked a few times, but Lee seemed to have caught on to what he was planning. I looked at Xavier, with his long nails and sharp teeth. He moved fast like Lee, he even looked like him, but without the evil aura around him. He was a half-monster, obviously. So I had fallen in love with a half-monster, a kind of species who want to kill what I am.

While I continued to watch, hoping Xavier wouldn’t get hurt anymore, since he got two deep cuts on his right arm, I couldn’t help but wonder why he didn’t kill me. I didn’t suspect a thing. I was an easy target for him.

Xavier seemed to have cut Lee for the fifth time, this time in the center of his forehead, but they both fell on their knees. I was worried I missed something so I pushed Stikes aside and, expecting a glare or some evil yell to get back behind him, he let me go.

When I reached Xavier, he looked up an laughed. I got mad. He was fine. I looked over at Lee. He looked in pain and frozen in place.

"Kill him Kassandra. Kill him now. I’ve hit him enough time top have taken away his powers and mobility for awhile."Xavier replied, having stopped laughing and returned serious.

I did what my half-monster wanted me to do and took out my sword and sung it right between his two visible eyes, and he fell flat on the ground. His eyes remained open and were full of hatred.

Xavier looked at me and shook his head.

"Stikes was right. You do things on impulse. I easily manipulated you into running towards me and then you were near enough to kill him for me." He explained, laughing again.

I was an idiot. Again.

After he stared at me, still on his knees for awhile, his laugh and smile disappeared.

"Don’t get all mad. I came back for you." He replied.

I did not answer.

"Or do you not love me anymore?" He paused. " You know now, right? I am not human." He asked this, but he did not look into my eyes. He looked at the ground in front of him.

"No." I started. "I still―I don’t understand why you did not kill me."

He looked at me shocked and got up on his feet. He walked towards me and grabbed my hands.

"I did not kill you, Kassandra, because I love you. At first, yes, you seemed to be only another Royal Bloodline to seduce then kill. Especially since you were the kind that was still unable to detect us. But, that changed the more I was with you. At some point, I even got the others like Lee asking why you were still alive...I couldn’t kill you." He explained.

"So you left me because―" I started.

"Because it was that or me having to kill you. I knew there would be another assigned to kill you when I told them I was resigning from the group, which is why I sent Stike to watch over you, but I couldn’t even think about killing you and I wanted you to have a slight chance of staying alive without me. Obviously, the without me part did not work, but I kind of prefer it this way. I was stupid thinking that running away was better, to think that they would waste there time chasing me instead of you..." He explained.

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