+Chapter Four+

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The next two days passed quickly. Xavier taught me many things and so did Stikes. Alicia seemed to have a bit more trust into Xavier, but she still seemed a bit unconvinced. Today we all said our goodbyes to Aunt Alexandra and left to go and complete our plan to kill all three leaders of the group. The only difference now in the plan, is that we added one more member to it. Xavier gave me the same coat I had been wearing the night and days of my earlier travels to get here, which covered my scent. Alicia had something similar to it as well, since Stikes gave her a brown long sleeved sweater.

When we first got out of the house we were greeted with two half-monsters. Xavier, Stikes and even Alicia started in no time to fight them and quickly defeated them. I watched as she moved fluently and got plenty of hits without her opponent getting some on her. She looked like someone different when she was fighting. She looked meaner and tougher.

The walk towards the first point in the plan, was very annoying. We kept having to make sure we didn’t sense any of there kind and then those who would appear we would have to quickly kill them.

After a while of fighting the monsters who noticed us and defeating them, I seemed to have gotten some more skills, since I managaed to kill two of them. Then again, I only killed two when Stikes, Xavier and Alicia killed about 10 each.

"Why are there so many? Are they all in this town?" Xavier grunted.

"Possibly. Think of it, Xavier. We currently have the first and second priotrity of the Royal Bloodline to kill list that they have made. They must have senced the presence of Alicia when she arrived here. They already found out that Kassandra was here because of Xavier." Stikes explained.

We finally got to the place were this group apparently stayed and made the rules of thiere corrupted society. At first I didn’t even see the building. It was covered by many vines and seemed to have been a rusty old building that was abandoned years ago. The paint was even starting to peel off. There might even had been a hole in the roof, but I couldn’t be sure because Xavier had pulled me into his arms and made me hide behind the big bushes and the few trees, not to far from the building. He mumbled something about me being stupid, since I just looked at the building, not even bothering to try and hide before I looked. I ignored him. Stikes then looked from me to Alicia.

"Alicia, do you mind if we use you as the bait? Xavier seems unwilling to let Kassandra go at the moment."

Alicia sighed, taking off her brown sweater. "Sure, why wouldn’t I want to be bait for the monsters whom I tired to run away from all my life."

Stikes thanked her, and they both started to run in front of the building. Honestly, looking from behind the bushes, I realized that this plan could go wrong in many ways.

Within no time at all, quite a few half-monsters ran out of the building with their claws out and thire sharp teeth. I shivered. I watched silently, in Xavier’s arms, as Alicia moved swifty and elegantly and managing to kill a few of them. Stikes was fighting at a faster pace and managed to kill the rest, which Alicia seemed to be unable to fight. After a moment, they stood still and a figure approached them.

"It worked. Alexander came out to see why his petty friends did not return within seconds." Xavier mumbled as though in astanoishment.

I guessed he didn’t believe this plan would work. But then again, if he really thought that, why wouldn’t he have said anything? I ingored my thought and stared at the tall slender figure that was standing not to far away from Stikes and Alicia. He seemed more human then the others who had rushed out looking a bit like Vampires. Although, just because he looked human didn’t mean that he was. Afterall, Lee seemed human yet he was very powerfull.

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