+Chapter Two+

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In our new temporarily home a few provinces passed were I used to live, a month later, I sat on my bed thinking. I had been kicked out from where I lived by these creatures, I had been through training and had learned how to fight and sense the half-monsters, I have no idea of how long I am going to live, and I have no way of finding Xavier. I know that the last thing I mentioned previously probably is the least of my worries now, but I can’t help but think about him. During the time I spent with him, I felt safe and untouchable. Something completely opposite of what I feel now. Now I feel as though I will be killed if I just leave the house or tell anyone where I am. I passed the long days of traveling by car reading the journal I wrote when I was with him. I remembered all the events that happened, how I was afraid he would be mad at me only because I did not reply when he taunted me about me falling like a klutz. I was really scared about falling in the high heels I was wearing that day on one of the first dates I had with him, so this was maddening. Yesterday, I had read the last entry of the journal that talked about him. It was full of hatred and sadness. I wrote it the day after he left me in the snow.

I walked towards the room where we decided was to be my training room. Stikes would meet me there everyday and teach me the same things and a few new key points into fighting the half-monsters. Although I am still a beginner, and therefore I make a lot of mistakes when fighting, I am still advanced then most would be. Well, according to Stikes, who trained a few Royal Bloodlines.

Stikes was a very nice person who usually got down to the point. He wouldn’t drag on and on about something before he would get the lesson of today. I was very grateful for that. But I must say that he enjoys to joke. The first day of training he came up to me and said ‘Kassandra, I know you have no training whatsoever, but there is a half-monster outside this house and you are the only one who can kill it.’ I had panicked. ‘What!? You want me to do―I don’t even know how to fight!’ I yelled. He started to laugh and put his hand on his head and started to shake it. I was getting angry by the second, thinking why he was laughing so damn hard about me going out there and getting killed, when he replied, ‘Oh my, we have lots of work to do.’ He paused. ‘That was a joke. You don’t actually have to fight anything right now.’

I had hit him on the shoulder when he told me that and said to never ever do that again.

"Hello, Kassandra. How was your morning?" He stated, standing in the room. He had brought some things which looked like some punching bags, and of course he had his sword. He did not use it when he fought against Lee in the school yard, since he has different techniques that involve some higher knowledge and strength. So he said that until then, I would have to use a sword.

I took it and felt like I always do. A pirate from that Disney movie.

Stikes pointed at the things that looked like punching bags.

"Kassandra, hit these in the red circle, in between the fake monster’s eyes. It is the main place for there power, and if it is cut, all power they have will have been either temporarily cut off, or completely gone, meaning you killed them."

Stikes had mentioned in the past, when we first got here, that the researchers that created the half-monsters, have pin-pointed the whereabouts of the power. They mentioned that the power was located in there third eye of each of them. (Located in between the other two visible eyes.) According to Stikes, the researchers, after ‘failing’ in there Royal Bloodline test, have decided to try and re-create the power that flows through them into our kind’s third eye, who is still hidden from our kind. Stikes said that there was a reason why we were cut off from our power from that eye, and if it were to return, it would just cause us harm.

I did what he told me to do. I hit the center of the red circles on the punching bags.

He was fairly impressed and stated I was good at aiming for a girl.

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