Sex & Surgery 3

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Sex & Surgery 3

The next time that Meredith Grey gets caught staring at Addison Montgomery from the gallery, she's not so lucky.

This time she's gotten caught by none other than Satan, herself.

"Dr. Grey, what are you doing here!?" Addison exclaims at the intern, who shrinks in awe of her boss (and also her crush)'s presence and attention.

"S-sorry, Dr. Montgomery-" Meredith begins, wringing her hands together worriedly.

Meredith freaks out a bit, wondering how much Addison may or may not have noticed her lurking and inappropriate staring and damn near stalking she'd been involved in during the past few weeks.

"It's been a month, and every time I schedule a procedure, I see you up in the gallery. It's like, you won't leave me alone. First of all, you steal my husband. Second of all, you get hit on by his best friend. And third of all, you sit there staring at me every time as if you just know I'm off of my game and you just can't wait to tell Bailey or Richard what a poor teacher I am. I can't get a break here, Grey, I just need a moment without you!" Addison begins.

Meredith's mouth drops open in shock when she realizes her presence has been noticed. The entire time in fact. And that Addison has attributed almost an entirely opposite reason to the truth as to why she's been so preoccupied with the red-headed Attending's O.R recently.

"Addison..." Meredith tries to cut in, but she's cut off sharply again by Dr. Montgomery.

"Dr. Grey, if I would even be addressing you as such when you insist on calling me by my first name. I've worked long and hard at this, I've trained and studied for years, I've become a resilient teacher, and I take on the tough cases. I'm tired, exhausted, in fact, and why can't we go back to when you stayed on 'three,' and I went back to 'two,' and when I just needed a moment away from you because every time I see you it makes my blood boil, and Goddamnit, Grey, I am hardly keeping it together here!?" Addison insists, as she gesticulates accordingly.

"Dr. Montgomery-..." Meredith shrinks again, hands now fiddling with nothing in particular to contain her nervous energy. "I am- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I didn't want to make you feel uneasy, if you don't want me to watch you anymore I won't, I just..." Meredith can't find the words so she just rambles on nonsensically in her head again.

"Say it, Grey. I'm a failure, I'm pathetic, and I'm standing here yelling at an intern because of my own marital explosions and insecurities. Gosh, I'll never get it together, now will I?" Addison sighs, hanging her head in accompaniment.

"No, no, you're not, you're not all that bad Addison, really," Meredith pushes through Addison's eyebrow-raise at being called only her first name again. "You see, you've had so many successful surgeries in the past month. You've beaten records, you've shown more to me friends. I mean, Cristina Yang's been even in here skipping off of Burke's service when you have a really unique cardio case. I- I'll go if you want me to go Dr. Montgomery... But I'm here because I want to watch you work your... Magic? Magic! Yes, that's it. Your- You're like magic in there..." Meredith says awkwardly and shyly, and then she bites her lip because she can't bear to look up to meet Addison's eyes again.

"Oh," says Addison, finally looking for Meredith's expression. "I didn't know, I'm sorry for yelling. I'm not even that pissed at you, I'm mad at Mark, I'm mad at Alex, I'm mad at Derek... God knows, I'm just angry and you happened to be in my way. It won't happen again," Addison offers.

"It's okay, Addison. I mean, I was sorta stalking you..." Meredith says barely above a whisper this time.

"RIght..." Addison squints to try to understand the blonde this time.

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