Chapter 17

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TW: bombings mentioned/active bomb

A few hours later I'm back at the precinct with my team. We've tracked down our unsub and a strike team left to arrest him. They're on the way back now.

Elle is talking with an officer across the room. I'm sitting on a counter, my head leaning against the wall, my eyes on her.

I wonder if she notices. She probably does.

I still haven't thanked her for earlier. I'm not sure what to say. Because every time I think of what happened in that driveway, the danger is drowned out by the sound of her whisper, her lips so close to mine.

I see her nod as the officer she's speaking to walks away. She makes eye contact with me and takes a step in my direction. A small smile appears on my lips. I slide off the edge of the counter, waiting for her. Butterflies dance in my stomach.

She takes another step and we both freeze. The whole room freezes. Save for one man entering through the front door.

His face is contorted with terror, sweat dripping down his forehead. His hands shake as his footsteps fall unsteadily against the marble floor. "Please," his voice cracks with panic. "Please, please help me."

I swallow my own fear. The man has a bomb strapped to his chest. Packs of explosives line his rib cage. It's enough C4 to take out the entire building. And all of us. The timer on his chest blinks menacingly, the small, red neon letters ticking down. We have just under an hour.


The precinct bursts into action. Hotch is shouting orders and the police quickly comply. Bomb squad is here in five minutes, the building already evacuating. My team forms a small circle in the corner of the room.

"They found Walker over state lines in Georgia. He won't get here in time to defuse it. Jason, we need Bale. He's the only other person who knows how to defuse the bomb. Get him, bring him here," Hotch says assertively.

"Reid, JJ, and I will help evacuate. Elle, try to keep the man calm. We don't want that bomb blowing any sooner than it has to. And C, work with the bomb squad, see what you can do."

I nod, following Elle to the center of the bullpen. The man is now sitting in a chair, bomb squad surrounding him in full gear. He's terrified. They try to hand us vests as we approach but I wave them away away. 

"No time," I say as I inspect the bomb. They act like the explosives in front of me aren't enough to tear through the vests and helmets like they're butter.

I'm kneeling down on one knee to look at the bomb and Elle is beside me, talking to the man.

"Hi," she says with a small smile. "My name's Elle." She waits for him to respond. 

"Joseph," he stutters out.

"Joseph. I need you to try and stay calm for me, okay? Take some deep breaths."

He does as he's told, trying to breath deeply. The bomb rises and falls slightly on his chest.

"Good, that's good. We still have time. We're going to get you out of this." Her voice is steady but I hear the stress behind her words. I glance her way and she places a hand on my shoulder without breaking eye contact with Joseph. Her voice continues soothingly, flowing thick and smooth like honey.

I'm looking at the bomb in front of me. Wires stick out from all sides. I've pegged at least 12 as fakes, meaning we could cut them without consequence. I wish Morgan were here. I'm not completely helpless–I've taken bomb courses, defused some in the field even. Weapons are kind of my thing. But Morgan's the bomb guy. He'd know what to do.

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