Chapter 64

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I meet Gideon in the hallway.

"Any news?" he asks.

I shake my head. "What about the case?"

"The others are on it right now. We found the girl, we just need to bring her home."

I sigh in relief at the first good news I've heard all day. The second quickly follows.

"Agent D'angelo?" Maria, the nurse I spoke with at the front desk, approaches us. "Agent Greenaway is out of surgery. You can see her now."

I glance back at Gideon and we follow Maria into the ICU. She leads us to one of the rooms and pushes open the door, stepping to the side to let us through.

I approach the bed slowly, my eyes taking in the sight in front of me. Elle lies in a hospital gown, her head propped against the pillows. A cannula sits in her nose and I watch her stomach rise and fall as she breathes.

She's breathing.

I grab the chair in the room and drag it to her bedside, my hand finding hers. I interlace our fingers, squeezing hers tightly. Gideon comes around to the other side of the bed and pulls up a chair.

"She should wake up in the next half hour," Maria informs us from the doorway.

Gideon thanks her when I don't say anything. I can't drag my eyes away. Elle looks so helpless, her skin pale, her breathing shaky. Her hand is limp in mine.

But she's alive, I remind myself.

She's alive.


Twenty minutes later and Elle has shifted from unconsciousness to sleep. I haven't left her side, her hand staying safely in mine. Gideon and I don't speak as we wait for her to wake up and for an update on the case.

We get one a few minutes later. His phone buzzes, now on silent, the vibrations shaking his pocket. He flips it open and answers. In the quiet of the room I can hear the voice on the other end but not make out any words. It sounds like Hotch.

"Is she safe?" Gideon asks him. I don't hear the reply but I assume from Gideon's relaxed expression that it's good news.

"She's out of surgery, we're waiting for her to wake up." Gideon shifts his attention to me. "Hasn't left her side," he says with a small smile.

After another moment, he hangs up and replaces the phone in his jacket pocket. We make eye contact across the hospital bed.

"You love her, don't you?" he asks.

I blink, taken back by the question. I look back at Elle, my thumb grazing across her hand. And I realize how true those three words are. I love her, and I have for a long time.

"Yeah," I say quietly. "I do."


A few minutes later and my attention shoots to Elle as her fingers grip mine tightly. I stand and lean forward, one hand brushing back her hair. Her eyes flicker open, beautiful and dark.

"Hey," I smile. "It's me. And Gideon," I add.

She tries to smirk. "You look terrible."

I laugh lightly, my smile widening. "And you look amazing."

Her lips tug up into a smile, exposing her dimples. She glances towards Gideon.

"How are you feeling?" he asks her.

"Bullets hurt."

"They do," he grins in agreement.

"The girl?"

"They found her, Elle," I tell her. "She's safe. And so are you."

She gazes up at me, her eyes holding mine. Gideon understands that we need a moment. "I'm going to head back to the BAU," he says as he stands. "Elle, I'm glad you're okay. Please, call me if you need anything."

She hesitantly pulls her eyes from mine. "Thank you."

Gideon nods before exiting the room, leaving the two of us alone.

As soon as he's gone I lean in closer, kissing her forehead. She closes her eyes as my lips touch her cold skin. I pull away and she glances to my neck.

"My necklace?" she whispers.

I smile. "Someone gave it to me for safe keeping."

She reaches her free hand across and rubs the pendant between her fingers, the way I've seen her do a thousand times. I drop her hand and reach behind me to undo the clasp. I return it to her neck, the pendant resting on her chest.

Her head tilts to one side as she watches me. I catch her eye and she gives me a sad smile. Suddenly, my emotions catch up with me.

"Elle, I'm sorry." My voice breaks. "I should've stopped him."

Her features draw into a frown as she brings one hand to my cheek. I rest mine over hers and turn my head, kissing her palm.

"Carli," she starts. "This isn't your fault."

"I should've stopped him," I say again. Tears brim in my eyes but I don't let them fall.

"You did. He was aiming for my heart. Because of you, he missed." Her voice is reassuring, her hand warm against my cheek. I close my eyes, letting her calmness wash over me. When I open them again she's looking up at me with warmth.

Unable to stop myself, I lean forward and cup her face, drawing her lips to mine. I kiss her softly but with passion, our lips meshing together and our tongues meeting in my mouth. She pulls away earlier than usual, breathing heavily against my lips. I remind myself to be gentle. I tilt my chin up and kiss the tip of her nose before sitting back down. My hand takes hers once again.

"You should get some sleep," I whisper.

She nods, too tired to argue. She sinks back into her pillows and I hold her hand as she falls asleep.

A few minutes go by and my eyelids grow heavy. Before I know it, my head is on my arm while my fingers remain intertwined with hers. The last thought that enters my mind before exhaustion takes me is that she's alive.

She's alive, and that's all that matters.

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