Chapter 73

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TW: mention of r@pe

I pull my sleeves through my leather jacket to protect my arms from the October chill. When I lift my arms to pull my hair from my collar, Elle takes the opportunity to wrap around me from behind. I laugh as we sway back and forth, my hands on hers. Her lips find my neck and she smiles against my skin as she kisses me.

It's been about a month since Elle came back to work. She's doing better. Some days are hard, the nights are still the hardest. But she's doing so much better.

I turn to face her and peck her lips. "Come on, we can't be late." I take her hand in mine and we leave the apartment together.

It's Tuesday morning and we were getting ready for work when Hotch called. We've got a new case in Dayton, Ohio. Serial rapist, attacked young college girls but took a six-week hiatus. Now he's back, targeting middle-class women in their thirties.

Elle rustles through her bag as we near the elevator. "Shit, I forgot my hairbrush. I'll meet you downstairs." She turns back to our door. I grab her arm. "What?" she asks.

I smile and drop my hand. "Nothing. I'll meet you down there." The elevator doors slide closed as she disappears into our apartment.


"He's shifted his victimology to middle-class women in their thirties. Secretaries, teachers, nurses." Hotch outlines the case.

"MO?" I ask from my seat.

"He calls each woman and leaves a detailed email with personal information. Where they live, where they work, who they spend their time with."

"He stalks them first," Gideon confirms.

"Yes. And then he breaks into their house and waits for them to come home. When they do, he's there, waiting."

"In their own home," I hear Elle mutter under her breath. Her body is tense beside me. I slip my hand into hers and she holds onto my index finger.

"He rapes at least one woman a week. We're still unsure how many women he's attacked in the past."

"Rape is the most unreported sexual crime," Elle speaks up. With her past in the Sex Crimes Unit, we need her for this case. But I'm worried the MO hits too close to home. Literally.

"He originally started with younger women, how many of them have come forward?" Reid asks.

"Three," JJ informs us, displaying the reports on the screen.

Morgan shakes his head. "This guy is aggressive, raping often."

"There must be more," I agree.

"We'll look into the college and see what we can find," Hotch promises. "This unsub is relentless and moving quickly. Wheels up in thirty."


That night we get to the hotel room and I collapse onto the bed, exhausted. Elle opens the mini fridge across the room and I hear a clinking of glasses.

"What's that?" I ask her.

She holds up three small bottles I recognize as bourbon spirits. In her other hand she holds two glasses.

I sit up, frowning. She walks over to the small table in the room and sits with her back to me. I slide off the mattress and take the seat across from her. I look at her in confusion and concern.

This case has been hard on her. I know that. Her past with Sex Crimes, the unsub attacking in the homes of his victims. But it's unlike her to resort to alcohol.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Elle?" I ask as she unscrews the cap of the first bottle.

"Carli, I'm just having a drink. Do you want one or not?"

I sigh and pull one glass towards me. She splits the bottle between us. She sips at the drink and we sit in silence. I graze my fingers across the glass but don't take a sip.

"You want to talk?" I keep my voice light.

She takes another sip. "I'm good."

I sigh and pick up the glass, looking at the design. "Did you really forget a hairbrush?" I bring my eyes to hers.

She doesn't reply.

Sighing, I toss my head back and down the drink in one go.


We found our unsub. William Lee. The only problem is, we don't have the proof to arrest him. We need to catch him in the act.

"We need to set a sting," Hotch says.

"We need bait," Elle agrees. "Give me a wire."

I shake my head. "No way."


"Let me do it." I interrupt her and address Hotch. "I can do it."

"Carli, you know this is Elle's specialty," he reminds me.

"Yeah, and I know I'm not sending her into a house with a rapist waiting in the dark," I snap.

Elle grabs my elbow and pushes me out of the room. In the hallway, she spins me away from the door. "Carli, I can do this."

"I know you can. That doesn't mean I want you too."

"You'll be right outside the entire time."

"The last time I was right outside you were in there with a gun to your head."

Elle closes her eyes, exhaling sharply. "You don't need to remind me. But you think I'd rather have you in there?"

I run one hand through my hair in frustration. She keeps her eyes on mine and I melt under the intensity. Eventually I give in. "Be careful."

She smiles. "Always."

I bring my hands up to her face and kiss her passionately. When we break away I grab her hand and lead her back to the others.

"Are we good?" Hotch asks.

I don't take my eyes off of Elle.

"We're good," she nods. "Send me in."


yeah i'm sorry in advance cause no matter how this goes it will not be easy
have a nice day

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