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My eyes began to feel heavy as I walked along side Mel and Alister. We'd been walking for quite a while now, yet no sign of Road, nor.....Alec maybe somehow, maybe some way they had it in there small hearts to let us go. Let us free from their torture. I'd do anything to protect little Mel and Alister. Words couldn't describe Alister to me. He was everything. His blood so warm for a vampire his touch so technotic. His heart almost having its own beat. He was so alive to me. Yet he was so dead. I wanted him, just him and all he had to offer. Even if we had to hide. We'd be a family, me him and Melody. But how long would it last before our love ran out. Just like mine and Alec's did. But in my racing heart I knew somehow me and Alister would make it. Even if I had to become what I had longed to leave behind. Immortal once more....

"Feb! Their coming! Run!" Melody shouted grabbing my sweaty palm and pulling me fastly down the snowy trail. My blood would look so bold against this white scene. My black hair would make the perfect touch to this dreadful night sky. But something in me was telling me I couldn't let go. Not when Mel and Alister loved me so dearly. I would live, for them atleast.

"Melody! Hide!" Alister yelled, pulling her away from me. Than hiding me behind him as he faced the cold hearted Road and the blank faced Alec. Both of them seemed to be wearing smirks behind their casual faces though. 

"Stay away from her!" Alec yelled charging at Alister, only to be pulled back by Road who still kept a cold look upon his face. His eyes glowing redish purple. My heart scattered from that look, so demented and cold. I wanted him to die. I wanted Alister to slit his throat now. But Alister was tangled up in a mess right now. I had to do something fast. But what? It was now I long for my vampire skills and powers. To be February Burn instead. I could be with Alister, I could fight off Road and Alec. I could let Alec go...

I grabbed a small knife I had hidden away in my back pocket, my other arm catching Alec's flailing hand. I pulled him with all my might. Knowing I, a mere human, wouldn't hurt him. My fingers clenched the knife tightly, deciding it was time to throw myself into the mess. I pulled him back and flung myself forward now protecting Alister. It was time I did something other than wait to die. I wasn't human to die, I was human to fight and when my battle was up it would not be in vain.

"Let him go Road! I am done! I am tired of watching you tear ou- your kind apart like this! Let him go!" I screamed slashing at him. My silervy blade slit at his wrist and upper arm a bit. A blacknes coating over it. Then I decided to take a deep breath. To look back at the situation from a ditance. I need to aim for Road's cold heart. I need to make it count if I was going to ave Alister, if I was going to save Mel and me.

My hand were shaking with fear as I closed my mind, I took ne less deep breath and held it. Held it inside of my chest until it became hot and firey and boiled up inside of me. Then When my rage was at a highest and my hands were steadying again I flung the dagger into his chest, cursing beneathe my drawn out breath. A cold chill filled the air as I watched Road's eyes turn a creamy black color. He was hurt, I had seen him hurt once before and it wasn't pretty...He wasn't near dead but he sure as hell was in a good enough condition now to be taking on me and holding Alister captive in hi deadly grip. I watched as his clutch on him loosened, sending a tired Alister to the snowy ground beneathe us.

"I promise I will kill you road. I promise I will die to kill you with my own to hands. I have my purpose in this human form." I whispered in a angered voice.

I clutched my handy dagger, my eyes turning blue like the midnight sky, a fog filling the area around us. He needed to be shown what it was like to feel pain. To be burned till you were alive once more. But before I could get my knife into him he was gone. He was up in flames, leaving a very dramatic ascape. He was scared, hiding and cowering away from the inevitable. Road had been in power for too long. I had no respect for him. Not anymore.

"Alister? Please tell me your okay?" I said frantically, placing him down in the snow. Laying his head in my lap. His eyes were fighting to stay open. He let out a cold breath. A breath I wasn't expecting.

"I'm...I'm okay. Get Melody. We need to find hiding." He coughed out. Using every once of his strength to pull himself up. To be strong for me and Melody. I grabbed Melody who was sobbing. She was alway being strong, so I didn't mind that now she couldn't take it. She shouldn't have to take it. I helped Alister up, supporting them both as much as I could. I knew where we had to go. I knew one place where we could be safe for a little while. I wasn't going to give up now. I knew what I wanted. I knew I needed to make this all end. All the suffering, for everyone not just me and Alister and Melody.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2012 ⏰

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