Chapter 4

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After that classy musical and dance number, the gang had finished making all of their gifts for Santa and placed them in a big bag. 

"There, we're all done" Baby Bop said. 

"Great job, everyone" Teeders told her friends. 

The gang all smiled and cheered, feeling good with themselves on a job well done. 

"Oh, I just know that Santa's going to love all of these gifts and goodies for his stocking" Barney beamed. 

"Uh, Barney, just one problem..." Cynthia started. "How are we going to get these gifts to Santa?"

"Yeah, it's a loooong way to the North Pole" David added. 

"And it's already Christmas Eve" BJ realized. 

"Uh, oh" Baby Bop said while this now made the gang worry. 

"That's no problem," Barney stated. "I think Kali has something that can help us get to Santa's home" 

"You do, sis?" The twins suddenly asked their sister curiously, getting all up into her face. 

"I do?" Kali asked herself, also wondering what exactly Barney was referring to. 

The big purple dinosaur then pointed out to something on top of the mantel, which was that familiar and mysterious snow globe the gang was looking at earlier. 

Kali soon realized... "Oh, maybe I do" She took the snow globe off of the mantel and held it in her hands. 

"The snow globe of Santa's house!" Brock said. 

"Of course," Teeders realized. "Now why didn't we think of that"

"Right," Barney said, then instructed the gang as they all huddled around Kali with the snow globe. "Now, look at Santa's home and use your imagination..."

The gang all gazed into the snow globe of Santa's house, trying very hard to use their imaginations. 

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Into Santa's world to have some fun!" The Akids all shouted. 

Suddenly in a blink of the eye just like magic, the gang appeared to have found themselves outside in the snow with their winter clothes on as they had arrived at the North Pole. 

"We made it!" They all cheered. 

Ann soon turned around and gasped once she saw that the gang was in front of Santa's home. "Look, it's Santa's house!" She said. 

"I wonder if he's home" Teeders said. 

"Maybe we should go and see" Barney suggested to the group. "Come on, everybody"

"Yeah," Cynthia said before winking into the fourth wall. "We have no limits" 

"Yep, or legal banking accounts" David added, showing off the papers into the fourth wall.  

The gang came up to the window to get a peak inside Santa's home, and my were they blown away just how magical it looked. Baby Bop soon spotted someone sleeping in a chair at a desk with a big book in front of it, realizing it could be only one person... 

"Look, it's Santa!" Baby Bop pointed out to everyone, jumping up and down gleefully. 

"He's asleep" Brock, BJ, and David noticed. 

"Then let's fill his stocking without waking him," Barney suggested to the gang. "That way it'll be a surprise" 

"Good idea, Barney" Kali told the friendly dino. 

The Adventure Kids and Barney's Magical Christmas TaleWhere stories live. Discover now