Santa Surprises

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Weeks later

Jr and I sat at the kitchen island rolling cookie dough and placing it on a pan. Once we're done, we wash our hands and I put the cookies, cake, brownies, and cupcakes in the oven. Don't ask why, but I just felt like baking today. I really wanted some sweets.

"Bath time." I exclaim and Jr frowns. I pop my hip out and look at him sternly. What is it with boys wanting to be dirty all the time? I'll never understand why he doesnt like showers. "You have to take a bath or else Santa wont bring you any presents. "

He sighs and lifts his arms for me to pick him up. I lift him with a grunt and trudge up the stairs.

After giving Jr a bath and getting him in bed, I take the sweets out of the oven and place it on the counter on top of dishcloths. I put away the stir fry we ate.

I leave the kitchen light on as I trudge back up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I strip out of my clothes and step into the hot shower. I feel myself getting tired as I begin to sway back and forth in the shower.

Once my body is clean, I wrap a towel around me and my hair before going into my bedroom and changing into one of Harry's shirts and yoga pants. I comb through my hair and tie it into a bun as I go back into the kitchen to put away the baked goods.

As I shut the refrigerator, I hear russling in the house. My heartrate quickly picks up as I focus on hearing, making sure it wasn't my imagination.

The noise happens again and I jump in surprise. Someone is in here.

I tip toe to the front door and it's locked just as I left it. Nothing seems out of place. I hear the noise again and open the drawer by the door and take out the hand gun.

I creep towards the noise, my heart in my throat and the pounding of it loud in my ears.

I point the gun in front of me, ready to take the safety off and shoot if I need to. I look over my shoulder, making sure there is no one behind me.

The library is empty and nothing looks out of place. All the lights are off except the light iluminated by the tree.

Once I turn the corner to the living room, my eyes widen as I see a tall man dressed in red and white.

I blink to make sure I'm actually seeing this.

He's not real. I tell myself. It's just a story told my every parent across the world as an excuse for the kids to go to bed. Right?

"Who are you?" I whisper in the darkness of the room.

The man turns around and faces me. His white beard hangs off his chin as he walks towards me in his big black boots. His smile is bright, it blinds me.

"I am here to grant all your Christmas wishes." he smiles. I tower down in fear, but hold my ground, ready to protect myself and my children.

"Did you hurt my son?" I ask quietly.

"Why would Santa hurt a child?" his voice is gruff but slightly recognizable. Who is this man?

"Santa's not real, motherfucker. Who. Are. You?" I say angrily, but quietly. He walks closer, my grip tightening on the gun.

"Back up." I say, but he continues to walk closer. He wraps his long fingers around the gun and pulls it from my hands. I close my eyes. It's over. This man is going to shoot me with my own gun.

"Look at Santa." he demands softly. I watch as he places the gun on the table. I hesitantly look into the man's eyes and mine widen as his smiles spreads across his face. His eyes. I know them too well.

I gently tug on the beard, bringing it below his chin as his dimples pierce his cheeks.

"You mother fucker." I laught as I grab the collar to his red coat and pull his lips down to meet mine. His lips wrap around mine, sucking sweetly on them. A light moan escapes my lips as I pull away and stare into the green of his eyes.

"You really would've shot me?" he asks with an amused smirk.

"I would've if I had to. But I didnt even take the safety off." I tell him and his smirk grows.

"I understimated you. You can handle yourself perfectly fine." he says astounded. I smile and peck his lips again, happy to have him in my arms again.

"You're huge, love. " he spins me around.

"Well thanks." I say sarcastically.

"Where's my boy?" he asks.

"Sleeping. I put him to bed a little while ago." he smirks mischeviously.

"That gives us time to have our own fun." he picks me up and I giggle as he carries me up the stairs and into the bedroom.

This bed has been so cold without him.

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