Christmas and Family

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I wake up to the warm LA sun beaming through my curtains.

My body is naked under the covers and I almost think last night was a dream, until I smell bacon.

I roll in bed happily and hug Harry's pillow. It smells just like him. The scent is no longer faded into the sheets.

It's strong, letting me know that he is indeed here.

I stand from the bed, searching the floor for anything to put on. I pick up my panties and legging, along with Harry's freshly worn shirt.

As I pull the shirt over my head, I cant help but to breath in his scent once again. It's feels so good to be back with him.

I waddle down the stairs and see Harry in the kitchen, wearing only a pair of joggers that hang lowly on his hips. I wrap my arms around him and press my cheek against the hot flesh of his back.

"Good morning." he says, rubbing my hand that rests on his hard abdomen.

"Good Morning." I sigh happily. He's here. In my arms.

I snatch a strip of bacon from the plate and pop it into my mouth. The salty taste of the pork melts right onto my tongue and I moan in satisfaction. I did't realize how hungry I was.

"Hungry?" Harry asks as he flips a pancake. As if on que, my stomache growls.

"Yeah." I groan.

"Breakfast will be ready soon. " he tells me and I nod, my cheek still presses against his back. I can feel the muscle under his skin contract with ever move he makes.

"You're such a little shit. You scared the fuck out of me last night." I bring back up and he laughs.

"That was the plan." he shrugs.

"You're lucky I didn't really shoot you." I laugh.

"I know. I thought you would've. " he chuckles.

He flips another pancake and puts it on top of the stack once it's cooked to perfection on both sides.

Just then, the doorbell rings.

"I got it." I say when Harry makes a move towards the door.

I reach the door and see that it's everyone. I swing the door open and give evryone big hugs.

"You're huge!" Zayn laughs as he rubs my belly.

"Zen! That's rude!" Perrie tells him, smacking his arm.

"It's fine." I laugh.

Louis hugs me and lifts me from the ground, spinning me happily and singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas"

"Lou! Put me down!" I laugh as I squirm in his arms.

"I smell food!" Niall says, not even glancing at me, but going right for the kitchen. I roll my eyes and shut the door once everyone is in, not even stopping to hug or even shake hands with Liam. He's proven himself to be an ass-wipe.

"Daddy!" Jr yells from the top of the steps.

"Buddy!" Harry smiles merrily. Jr runs down the stairs and jumps into Harry's arms once at the third or forth step.

"You're back! I missed you!" he hugs him tight.

"Oh!" Harry groans squeezing him back. "I missed you more kiddo!"

"Uncles!" Jr reaches for Louis.

"Munchkin!" The three boys crowd around my small boy and squeeze him in group hug. Liam just stands off by the door and looks around awkwardly, as if he's never been here before. Dani has already made herself comfortable on the couch, her swollen belly being rubbed my her left hand as she pants lowly. She looks exhausted. Perrie and Jen are arranging all the gifts under the tree, and El has disappeared from the room.

"You guys were gone too long." Jr tells the boys sternly.

"We came back to have Christmas with you." Zayn says, now holding him up in his arms.

"Breakfast will be ready in five minutees." Harry emerges from the kitchen to tell us, his chest now covered my a shirt and his joggers tied tightly on his hips.

"Yes!" Niall fist pumps. "We came at the right time. " he smiles as he rubs his palms together in an almost evil way.

"I'm gonna go get dressed!" I tell everyone, before making my way slowly up the staircase.

Once in my room, I brush my teeth and wash my face. I brush my hair into a high bun on top of my headand proceed to put on a pair of dark washed jeans and a white top with red flats. Once I'm dressed, I spray perfume on and walk back down the stairs.

"We were waiting for you." Harry tells me, pulling out a chair from the table for me to sit. Everyone else in gathered around the table, the food in the middle. Niall looks as if he's trying to keep his composure. Dani and Jen both stare at the food hungrily. I dont blame them though. It looks delicious.

"Would you say the grace baby?" I ask my son and he nods.

"Everybody close your eyes!" he exclaims and we chuckle at his excitement.

"Dear God, thank you for this food. Bless it. Amen." he says and we all follow suit in saing "Amen."

The plates of food are passed around for everyone to take as they please. There's more than enough food to go around. And if we end up with leftoers, I'm sure Niall will polish it off.

"It's so good to have everyone together again." I smile at the happy faces around the table.

"A toast-" Harry stands, holding a glass of apple juice. "To happier moments like this, with the family." he smiles. Everyone raises a glass and murmers "Cheers" with smiles on their faces.

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