Kien Tran

70 5 61

(Last updated: 5/11/20)

Yanno what they always say 🌚🌚🌚 recycling is good ♻️

This is an OC I've had for a long time, but never knew what to do with!! But I love his ability, so *yeets into jojoverse*

Also, to my ina11 days peeps... if you rmb Kazami Hisaya, this is the og him :^)

Warning: mild gore/body horror...?


- Name (last/middle/first): Trần Hoàng Kiên (or w/o the tone marks, Tran Hoang Kien)

- Nicknames/aliases: none

- JJBA parent(s), if any: none

- Corresponding JJBA part: depends on AU, maybe 4? since... 👻 he's actually dead & a ghost!! 🌚🎉

- Role: depends, probably JoBro or neutral

- Age: unclear. Similar to Reimi he doesn't age after death, and he appears to be in his early/mid 20s. (In reality, he has been dead for about 10-20 years, so he's now approx 40-50 y/o.)

- Gender, pronouns: cis male, he/him

- Sexuality: pansexual (but he's highkey questioning/in denial)

- Height & weight: 1m74, either weightless or 60kg (depending on how he's making himself manifest using his Stand)

- Appearance: aight... this is gna get weird

Kien has black hair that's thick & soft, a bit unkempt & falls down into his eyes. He actually has 3 eyes — 2 normal ones that are dark brown, and a third one on his forehead (that's usually covered by his hair), which is a pale glassy blue; this is a part of his Stand. Since he's a ghost, he's very pale and his flesh is almost translucent sometimes. Usually has a gentle/sad-ish expression on his face, until he gets agro :^) then he can look very intense. But most of the time, he looks quite chill & amiable.

Stabbed through his neck is a wavy-bladed dagger, presumably this is how he died? But nobody knows, not even Kien himself. There is an actual stab wound in his neck, but bc he's dead, it doesn't bleed or get infected or anything... it just, makes him a lil uncomfortable. The dagger itself is black and red, having a black hilt & guard, & a deep red metallic blade that's very glossy underneath the lights. The whole thing is about a forearm's length.

- Physique: average, I'd say lean muscular? Feels a bit lanky but still very nice to hug, bc he's actually warm.

- Health:
   Physical: he's dead so technically nothing can affect him anymore, so uhh... healthy?? But having a dagger in his throat means it's uncomfortable for him to talk or swallow, so he usually doesn't eat (bc he doesn't need to anyway, although he can still taste things) or talk (he just signs). Most people think he's mute.
   Mental: fine I think

- Scars/freckles/birthmarks etc.: none worth nothing

- Piercings/tattoos: does the dagger count as a piercing :') if not then none.

- Wardrobe (clothing & jewelry): actually kinda preppy style! Lots of long pants, button-downs & sweaters, cardigans/jackets, and then scarves & other things. Shoes would be dress shoes or boots, depending on weather. More casual: hoodie/sweatshirt & comfy pants wtv those are, & sneakers. Part of the reason why he's huggable is bc his clothes are also very soft & nice to the touch. Not really any jewelry.

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