Eliezer Morozov

78 3 14

it has gotten to the point where i need to constantly refer back to my abomination of a cmt in "bLoOd and Hurricanes," so im putting this child here 🤨


- Name: Eliezer Morozov

- Nicknames/aliases: Eli (anyone can use this, it's not a big deal to him, but usually he looks too intimidating so people err on the side of caution and just use his full name)

- JJBA parent(s), if any: none

- Corresponding JJBA part: none

- Role: N/A

- Age: 18 (BaH)

- Gender, pronouns: cis-male, he/him

- Sexuality: aromantic asexual

- Height & weight: 1m69, 54kg

- Appearance:
- pale skin that reddens easily (from a blush, the cold, force...), more tanned on face and palms, but he's still pale af which means you may be blinded when he takes off his shirt or sumn
- royal blue hair, curly and slightly long on top, with an undercut; normally looks messy, but when he's performing he has it slicked back/styled so it looks less unruly
- well-defined face structure
- sharp & expressive greenish-gray eyes, with a very captivating gaze that just draws ppl in
- smiles with his eyes rather than his mouth most of the time, will only smile or grin when sth is RLY funny; kinda has a RBF, constantly seen either grouchy, indifferent/bored, or focused. thus, when he smiles, it usually catches ppl off-guard.
- has a habit of smiling/grinning at sth, then immediately reverting back to neutral after a few seconds — bit unsettling

- Physique: lean, but with well-defined muscles. As a dancer, he's perfect, albeit a bit short compared to other males. As a person, he's prolly considered thin. Does have a lot of core and leg strength tho; buff thighs that can crush ur skulls, and he's kinda thicc too 🤭

- Health:
- Physical: due to excessive exercise, he often has stress fractures, as well as (chronic?) knee pain. Has a bad pain tolerance, so will break into tears if he's in too much pain; but he's afraid to complain about it. Otherwise, he's in good shape; has good stamina and is also quite strong.
- Mental: depression; body dysmorphia (hates (1) his height and how he isn't the "perfect" height for a male ballet dancer, (2) how muscular his legs are, (3) how his physique makes him look "girly" in certain clothing, mainly...)

- Scars/freckles/birthmarks etc.:
- has a stab wound scar on the left side of his neck that's about 7cm long; since he's pale, it kinda stands out, and he tries to cover it up but sometimes it can be caught poking past his collar or sth

- Piercings/tattoos:
- standard earlobe piercings that he tries his best to hide from his parents

- Wardrobe:
- sort of academia, leaning to the dark side; usually, when going to classes or going out, he likes to be a bit formal just to be safe
- examples: turtlenecks/button-ups/collared shirts + sweater or some kind of thingy to layer, dark pants, dress shoes/boots
- for casual, he likes more comfy and oversized stuff; examples: old t-shirts, sweatshirts/hoodies, cardigans, sweatpants or leggings etc.
- actually kinda soft & nice-looking
- for going out he'll be more fancy and accessorize more, but in general he's lazy to wear jewelry, as well as he doesn't want to draw attention to his neck (& scar). the only piece of jewelry he'll almost always wear is a black ring on his right middle finger, to add some style when he flips hoes off- JK, it's a hint to his sexual orientation, bc frankly he's too tired of being hit on 😶


- Backstory/past:

TL;DR: talented kid ballet dancer that got recruited by the Russian govt to do their dirty work, which in the process became very physically & mentally taxing for him; accidentally gave himself a Stand with an Arrow

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