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"Excuse me.. I need to go to the toilet," Eren said looking at one of the guards. Rose clearly knew what are they going to say to him.

"You just went!" the guard said without looking at him. 

"I'd like to drink water," Eren tried again.

"Hey. Mind your place, monster." the other guard said. Eren stared at him in shock. 

"I guess you're a monster, and I'm a witch. How wonderful," Rose said laying on her back looking up at the dark ceiling. 

"Hey, guards. Can you get me a big pot? I'd like to make potion, so that everyone will sleep in eternity, and we can finally be free." Rose added. They had been chained up in the dungeon for days now. Every now and then one of the guards would take them to the bathroom, or to get a drink. But they wouldn't forget to make some nasty remarks while doing so. Eren stared at Rose, who was laughing at her own joke.

"nice one, nene." Eren said.

Rose grinned at him.

"How can she be so calm about this? Isn't she freaked out at all?" Questions ran through Eren's mind but they came to a stop when he heard a door open and close. Rose heard it too, and sat up straight. There were quiet footsteps, then all of the sudden a girl had her face presses against the bars. Eren jumped back; obviously scared. Rose just looked at the girl with small smile on her face. 

The girl then smiled, "You must be Eren and Rose! Are you okay? How're things going?" 

"Terrible. It smells in here," Rose says with a blunt, straight face. The girl with glasses stared at her for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.

"Sorry for the long wait. You can finally come out now. You have to put these on though," the girl said holding up two pairs of handcuffs. 

The girl took the chains off them then handcuffed both of them.

"I'm Hanji Zoe, a squad leader with the Scout Regiment," Hanji explained, "That's Mike Zackarias, also a squad leader." Rose looked over to see Mike sniffing Eren's neck. 


"Yeah, he has a habit of smelling people he meets for the first time.. and then sneering," Hanji explained. Mike walked behind Rose and leaned over to smell her. He was quite happy after smelling her. "Rose smelled like Rose." Mike said. Hanji was shocked after hearing him saying these things.

"We're already here," Hanji said with disappointment, "Oh well. It's better if we don't explain anything." Rose looked at her in confusion before the other soldiers grabbed her and Eren then started pushing then through the door. 

"Hey, wait!" Eren shouted.

"Maybe I shouldn't say this but all we can do is put our blind trust in you two. I wish you luck," Hanji said then shut the doors. Rose looked around. There were people on each side. One person was in the front, the Military Police on the right, the Scout Regiment on the left, and citizens in the back. 

"A courthouse?" Eren whispered to Rose. Rose nodded. Two guys pressed guns to their backs and pushed them forward, "Get moving." Rose walking slowly until they told her to stop. "Kneel there," one of them said. Both Eren and Rose kneels and they put two poles between their arms so the cuffs wrapped around it. 

It was actually very uncomfortable to Rose. 

Rose looked around. People were staring at her and Eren. Whispering things, judging them, some were sending death glares at them. If looks could kill, they'd both be dead a long time ago.

"Shall we begin, then?" an older man asked. Rose looked up and assumed he was the judge for this trial for life or death. The man picked up a piece of paper and put on his glasses. 

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