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The Titan's punch in the roof had sent Rose and Mikasa flying and they lost balance. Mikasa landed on the other side of the roof and Rose crashed into a window. Rose looked over at Mikasa withering in pain, her back is stabbed with many small glass shards, glad to see Mikasa only got a small cut on her cheek. 

"Wow, nice punch eren."  thought to herself.

Mikasa hastily come to her "Nene! Are you ok?, Did you hurt somewhere!! Let me see!!."

"Mikasa, I am fine, just banged my head on wall, you go check on Eren he is out of control, otherwise he will kill somebody, if he continued his rampage, GO!!" Rose replied to her while hiding her pain.

After Mikasa was gone. She tried to get up but the stabbing pain in her back. She touched her back to see blood on her hand. She tried to locate the glass shard on her back, when she found the shard she called for lucy.

"Lucy, can you patch my wounds in the back, and just stop the bleeding, I can't stay away from him for longer time period" Rose asked her ,withering in pain.

Lucy nodded furiously, she pulled out the glass Shards, rose was subduing her pain, then lucy placed her hand/paws on her back, and recited something the bleeding stopped, then she wrapped some bandages on her back.

"This will do for the time being, let's go lucy." Rose said while getting up.
Rose heard Mikasa yelling In front of Eren's face.

"Eren, don't you recognize me?! It's me, Mikasa! Your.. family! You have to seal that hole with that boulder!" Mikasa shouted at the Eren's face. 

"Mikasa! It's no use! He isn't in control! I can feel it!" Rose shouted at the gray eyed girl. Mikasa frowned and continued to shout things at the Titan hoping it would recognize her and carry out with the objective. A loud gunshot gained Rose's attention. She turned her head to see that Rico had set off and red flare. 

"Mikasa! Get out the way!" Rose shouted seriously seeing the Titan's hand form into a shaky fist. Mikasa looked down and saw it then quickly jumped of the Titan's face just as it brought it's fist down hard. Rose flinched wondering how much that would hurt if Eren could feel the pain. The Titan lost balance after it hit itself in the face -- then sat helplessly against the large boulder. Both of the Titan's hands were gone, along with the part of it's face. Large amounts of steam rose up from the missing parts. 

"He's nothing, but a stupid Titan like the rest of 'em!" one of the soldiers said frustrated. 

"Eren!" Mikasa shouted at the Titan; but it was no use. 

"Squad Leader Ian! Two Titans approaching from the front! One ten-meter, one six-meter! Another, a twelve-meter, coming from the rear!" a soldier shouted. Rose's eyes flickered between the three walking Titans. 

"Ian! We have to pull back. That kid's not going to plug the hole," said the same soldier that insulted him earlier.

"Yeah.. We don't have any choice but to leave him here," Rico said emotionless. Mikasa turned her head and glared at the girl with silver hair. Rose didn't like her at all she; all she did was insult people and doubt them and their abilities. 

"Hey?! What's there to think about?! Give us our orders! Ian! It's not your fault! It was a shaky plan from the start. We all knew that going in! It was worth a chance trying, and we gave it a chance! All right? Our squads are climbing up the wall," the brunette soldier said walking away. Mikasa's face showed nothing but angry as she tried to make a move after him, but Ian's arm blocked her from doing so.

"Wait!" He said looking at her. Mikasa was taken by surprise.

"Wait. Calm down, Ackerman. Squad Rico, take out the twelve-meter behind us. Squat Mitavi and my squad will take out the other two in front," Ian ordered.

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