Chapter 1

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When Izuku opened his eyes, he had no clue where he was. The grains of sand that had seeped into his clothes while he was asleep was uncomfortable and in places that they shouldn't be, and his eyes hurt from the sudden light that attacked them.

He rubbed his eyes hard enough to see stars before opening them again, not expecting to find himself in a sandy landfill with the sun heavily beating down on him.

"Heaven?" He mumbled to himself, pushing himself up to his knees to look around.

Large bags of trash, household appliances and leftover plastic were piled miles high around him, obscuring his view to see his actual location. There were little gaps between the piles, meaning there was a way that he got here. The question was; how?

Looking just to the right of him, there was his TV, the one that he remembered lying right next to him in the burning apartment.

'That's right,' he thought. ' The apartment. My All Might collection. Worse of all, Mom.'

Just the last memory he had of his mother brought tears to his eyes as he realized the reality of his situation.

He lowered his head to face the sand and watched as drops of water darkened the tan grains into brown.

Izuku let himself fall apart, barely able to breathe as he continued to sob. It was like he lost everything. His mother was all he had for family and now she was gone.

After what seemed like hours, when in reality it was only minutes, Izuku turned to the only thing that he had left from his apartment - the TV that seemed too good looking for just escaping a fire and ending up in a dump.

He picked it up, surprised at how light the box was. The screen was dark and it looked like the cord connected to it was missing. He turned it around and was surprised to find that the bottom of the TV was completely gone, leaving a hole to where the inner parts were.

Well, where the inner parts were supposed to be.

Looking inside didn't give much insight, seeing as it was dark. The screen might have been painted black, but it wouldn't make sense as to why.

Taking a deep breath in, Izuku held the TV in one hand and with his other, he reached inside to feel around.

He was once again left stumped when he found that there were no wires, no cords, and absolutely nothing else but the air inside of the device.

'What the hell?' Izuku thought, swinging his hand inside the TV in disbelief. ' How the hell did something like this happen?'

Izuku closed his eyes and breathed in deeply as he dropped the TV to the sandy ground.

"Okay," he whispered to himself, voice hoarse from smoke inhalation, "I have no clue where I am and I'm having a freak out over an empty TV? Calm yourself."

He opened his eyes again to stare at the TV, which had conveniently landed to where the screen face up at him, allowing him to see his reflection.

His once fluffy green hair looked like someone took a burning weed whacker to it, leaving chunks shorter than others and patches of burnt hair. There was ash on his cheeks and the school uniform that he had been wearing was missing material in multiple places, leaving pale skin to be shown through large holes. Not to mention the fact that his shoes were missing entirely.

Izuku sighed shakily, as he stared down at himself, never having seen himself this... burnt and broken. Even with Kacchan, he was never this hurt with him.

The burning in his eyes caused Izuku to try and turn his thoughts away from the boy. Now, back to the problem at hand. How can he get out?

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