The Immortal Heart

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( This poem is a narration of a dream I had. I saw that I was just standing and then a wind blew and with it blew away my existence, my body  but the heart stayed in place as it was reciting with its every beat "Allah".
P.s. I have drawn the picture.. )

From a plain of sand I stood

Above me lies the sky as hood

I came to know the plan of my existence

The frailest-known with the worthiest task

My self is bind with many wishes

Upon that the world full of enticements is

The pleasure of living in pleasures, I know

My arms like vines grow towards the sins

Shuddered my frail existence of the taken steps

The tiniest grains venged  the evil's threats

To their purest self

As simple as the notion is

Heart knows it's place ,yelled out in pain

Got the courage to speak out His name

My existence denied the shameful urge

Making me aware of the One present in me

My hands reaching for the heart

Holding it as a work of art

With every beat ,the name it says

Oh the glory my heart carried then

Just as the wind blows away my mortal existence

The heart stays in place in the same stance

Beating wildly His reverend name

The immortal Creator of my mortal self


For my heart will stay the same as He

As He ran deep down the arteries

He made the place eternal

My heart forgot to live the way as my soul

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