"Take me away..." (Introduction)

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There will be homophobic language in this book generally directed at our poor main characters  :( do not read if you're triggered - I'm sorry for every one who's been looked down upon just because they aren't like everyone else - you're bright and awesome, they're just jealous AF :) Be happy about who you are, direct the Malfoy sneer at anyone who disagrees and once again, PRIDE FOREVER!!  (PS Line breaks are the little stars (what are they called?) )

The freak sat on the cold, hard ground, watching as the water dripped from the ceiling - if you could even call it that - of his cupboard, wincing as his foot - the bruised one, thankfully and not the broken, mangled one brushed against something furry and wet that chittered and scampered away. Leaning against the pile of old towels that was his bed, he nursed the broken ankle, unable to stand up without his makeshift crutch.

He'd had the mangled ankle ever since that old pig  Vernon - weak as he was, he sneered softly as the name ran through his head - had thrown him down the flight of stairs when he was five. The ankle had never healed properly, and according to Dudley made him "the forever Freak." Freak knew he'd once had another name, a long time ago, one that began with a "H" but it'd been forgotten, lost in the confines of time. He sighed once more, hoping against hope as he always did that tomorrow wouldn't come with another beating. 

"Take me away..." he croaked to no one in particular, his voice raspy from years of unuse, as soft as a whisper of wind, gone within seconds. "I-I want to go home." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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