Chapter 1

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"Are you coming slow poke?" whispered a girl with shoulder length hair that was pitch black as she ran behind a tree.

Her dark emerald eyes shinned in the morning light as she was in the deep forest of her District. A boy, a few feet taller than her with shaggy dark brown hair came running to her.

"I'm here" he said panting.

"Okay" she whispered.

   They both listened to the sounds of the forest. It was silent, too silent. The girl scanned the area with her eyes and slowly drew her bow. She had an arrow locked in it and held it the string to her right cheek. She heard a twig snap in the north-west of her and she turned to the direction quickly and let go of the bow. As the bow flew in the direction, a big flash of green appeared and a hand caught the bow in mid air. The girl and boy smiled at their Father who had caught the bow. He wore a green and black trench coat with golden armor and had pitch black, slicked back hair. He looked a lot like the girl.

"How was that?" she asked.

"You did better today" said her father as he walked up to her.

"But not as good as you want it" she frowned.

He lifted her head with his hand and gazed into her emerald eyes.

"It was more than i expected from you" he said.

She frowned and looked away. She walked to a tree, angry that she had not had done as good, and slouched down and pouted. Her brother and Father looked at her with annoyance.

"Come on Lucy" said the brother "Don't be hard on yourself"

She glanced back then looked back down on the forest floor.

"I was just-i just have a lot on my mind and lost focus Mason" she said.

"Is it because of the Avenger games?" asked her father.

She gave a slow nod, still not looking at them.

"Why do we have to participate, i mean, were not a part of SHEILD anyway" she hissed.

"It's because dad was an outlaw of SHEILD so we have to sign-up" said Mason.

Lucy frowned and stood up.

"It's just not fair" she said as a tear slipped down her face "Why do we have to fight to the death, j-just for the enjoyment of blood thirsty mortals?"

"Were half mortal Lucy" reminded Mason.

"I know that but still, were not full mortal" she said.

"Come on you two" said their father "Let's head back home, the sign in will start in a few hours..."


Lucy ran to her window as a huge aircraft flew by. She sighed; they were here to force a girl and boy from the ages of 12 through18 to join in their stupid game. She had always dreaded this, every year since her 12th birthday. She sighed as people started to walk out of their houses to sign into the dumb games they were forcing SHEILD agents stationed in London to participate. Non SHEILD agents also gathered as they wanted to see who they would be rooting for when the games would start. A cold hand touched her shoulder that made her jump a little. She looked up to see her father with a worried look on his face. Mason was standing right behind him.

"Lucy....i-if you and Mason get chosen" Stuttered her father "Please stick with each other, and fight with each other"

Lucy knew her dad had the magic to see what was in the future and now didn't want to sign in. Mason ran up to his sister and gave her a hug.

"Lucy, everything will be alright" he said.

"Just like your mother used to say 'stick together and you'll be safe from harm’s way'." sighed her dad.

Lucy nodded slowly.

"But hey, on the Brightside" said Mason "If we do get chosen, the other competitors won't stand a chance against us, because we know magic and can transform"

Lucy giggled at bit as her brother started to tickle her.

"MASON" she giggled "STOP IT!"

He stopped and looked at his sister now on the wooden floor of the house.

"Thanks for making me laugh" she said.

"And thanks for being my sister" he said with a smile.

   Lucy and Mason were really close. From the moment Mason saw little Lucy when she was born, she and him were best friends. They never fought and if Lucy wanted something Mason had, he'd give it to her. He was what any one wished their other brother was. They were close with their dad as well. He had taught them both everything he knew. Their mother died when Lucy was seven from heart cancer. Lucy and Mason's mother was the winner of the 1st Avenger games when she was 18 years old and is a legend.

Lucy and Mason sighed and both walked out of their house. Their dad followed them as they walked up to the registration counter and got signed in. Lucy's heart pounded as the lady put her paper in a huge glass bowl. Mason watched nervous as his dropped in the other glass bowl for the boys. They were pushed along into a crowd of children. Their dad was where all the other parents were and Lucy looked back one last time before they were shoved into the crowd. After a few minutes, a man in a black trench coat and a black eye patch came forth. Lucy grumbled under her breath at the sight of the man. He cleared his throat and grabbed a microphone and tapped on it.

"Okay, hello SHEILD agents welcome to the 17th annual huger games" he said in a serious voice.

He started to explain to everyone how the game would work and blah-blah-blah. Lucy tuned this out as she looked back to where the parents were. She scanned to find her father but her name was shouted that shook her back to reality. She had fear on her face as the man called her name again. She gulped, she was chosen. She walked up to the stand with fear on her face. The man did not see her come up and said her name again.

"Lucy Lokison" he said again.

"I-I'm right here" she said in a shaky voice.

The man smiled and grabbed a piece of paper from the boy's bowl.

"Mason Lokison" he said.

Lucy and Mason were both shocked. The two siblings were both chosen to participate in the Avenger games. Mason walked up to the stage, hiding his fear well and walked up to the man.

"Now" he said "These two are very special"

Lucy gulped as Mason looked over at her with worry.

"They are both siblings and children to the very first Avenger game winner Allison Harvey and also Loki's children, who had us, come up with the game after we defeated him" said Nick.

The crowd stayed silent as the man sighed.

"Thank you for all your entrees and don't forget to route for your favorite" he said.

  The man pushed Lucy and Mason off the stage and into a talking room where they would be allowed to talk to Loki before they left. Lucy started to cry as she walked in the room. The door shut and Mason waited for Loki to appear to them. Lucy was on the floor crying hard. Loki finally appeared and hugged his son tightly. Lucy looked up and ran up to her dad and hugged him tight as well.

"I-I am so sorry" said Loki.

   Lucy kept crying hard. This was the worst day of her life. She didn't want to kill, let alone compete for absolutely nothing. She didn't want to entertain people by killing other children; this was the most horrible thing that could have happened to her since her mother's passing. But, she couldn't avoid it, or ignore it. All she could do was to embrace it and roll with what lies ahead, in the Avenger games....

The Avenger games(An Avenger and Hunger game cross over) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now