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I woke up a few hours later. I lifted my chin up. I noticed Something was missing...as i sat all the way up, then looked around. Shoto was gone. I looked over to his side of the room. He wasn't there either... I stood up and went to our bathroom. "Shoto?" I called out his name. No reply. He wasn't here, why'd he leave? Welp, it's not like it's my business...I'm not his boyfriend. I decide to finish up some work. 

That Didn't last long though. I looked at the time, it's only 6:47. I should get something to eat... but I honestly don't feel like eating..... Ughhh. I get up and head over to the mini-refrigerator we had in the middle of the room. Looking through it, I find some leftover Chinese food from the other night. I grabbed the food cup full of the leftovers and put it into the microwave that was on top of the fridge.  Once the microwave beeped, I took out the cup and started eating. 

Surprisingly I was actually very hungry, I ate every drop of rice and noodles from the cup. I was still left a little hungry, but I was at the point that I could wait until tomorrow to eat again. As I threw the bowl away, I plopped onto my bed laying down. Grabbing my phone, I decided to watch some youtube videos. 

About 20 minutes later, I heard the doorknob opening. I looked over to see an angry tall male swing the door open. Shoto looked over to me and slammed the door behind him. 

We made eye contact for half a second before He went to his side of the room and plopped down on his bed. I sat up. What's wrong with him? "Hey, Todoroki are you okay?" I get up from off my bed and slowly walk over to his bed. He doesn't respond, nor does he give any sign that he hears me. I stop at his bed. Sitting next to him, I hesitate but wrap my arms around him, gently. 

" Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked looking at him. He sniffles and looks up at me.

"S-she broke up with me....that bitch" tears started rolling down his face. "The fucking bitch broke up with me for no reason." he sniffled again, wiping his face with his sleeve. I gasped quietly. Shoto is one of the nicest people I know. He's caring and sweet. What was she thinking? "She's blind Todoroki...She doesn't deserve you" I whispered, loud enough for him to hear. 

Shoto deserved better...  a few minutes later. I heard the sniffles quieting down. I looked down to see Shoto looking at the floor. He suddenly looked up at me. "Midoryia?" he slowly asked.  I hummed in response. 

The next thing I know, there were two lips crashing into mine. My eyes were wide open. Shoto is kissing me??!! Is this a dream??? I slowly melt into his kiss. He slipped out of my arms and put both his hands on my waist. He pulled me closer a little. 

He moved his right hand from my waist to the back of my head. My whole body shivered. His lips were so plump and soft..he was very gentle. Oh my, god my heart felt like it was gonna pop out of my chest any second now. He started playing with my hair, it was a funny feeling. Causing me to giggle a little, he took the opening. He quickly slipped his tongue into my mouth. WAIT huh?? I pulled away from the kiss.

"What the fuck Shoto" I huffed. He frowned."Sorry" he quickly said. not giving me a chance to reply, he pulled our bodies back together and connect our lips once again. My body weakened at the action. He continued to play with my hair and rub my lower back. After a few more seconds, he pulled away to catch some breath. His eyes were half opened, his face was red and he looked tired. "Sh-shoto?" I lowered my eyes, looking away from him. 

My face was burning red, That was my first kiss....... He sighed and pulled me into his chest. "Midoryia... do you wanna be my boyfriend?" he asked out of nowhere. My eyes went wide and I swear my face was 10x more times redder than it was before. 

If this was a dream, I didn't wanna wake! "Y-Yes Shoto, I'll be your boyfriend" I replied, it came out muffled for my face was buried into his chest. I smiled as I brought my arms up to wrap around his neck. He let out a sigh of relief before letting out light snores. Soon after, I found myself asleep as well. 

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