Back For You-A Zayn Malik Fanfic

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Chapter 9:

I waited and waited and waited for what seemed like forever and finally my parents popped up on the screen.

"Hey sweety!" The said! We all said hello to our parents and I looked around the room. It was so weird. We were really asking our parents this. A month ago I was just excited I knew one direction knew I existed.

"So, boys, why do you want our girls to go on tour with you?" Asked Mandies dad.

Surprisingly enough Liam answered.

"They're kinda like our stress relievers. Management can work is really hard and papa can be starting rumors but they keep us sane."

It was really sweet coming from him because Perrie was famous and he didn't need to convince our parents.

"Ginny and Kenzie help us because they're a lot like us. They're loud and funny and sarcastic and outgoing and unique." Harry and Louis explained.

"Mandie is a lot like me. She's historical and she can eat! I feel so comfortable around her like I know she likes me for me, not just cause I'm famous."

"Kaylee, where do I begin? You know the saying "opposites attract"? I didn't believe it until her. She's loud and crazy and out there and stuff all the time. But every now and then she can be serious and quiet. For me I'm the opposite. Quiet but loud sometimes. She's so easy going, and I'm a little OCD sometimes, but that's why we work well together. We know so much about each other that we understand everything the other person is thinking. I love her. I've never actually said that about someone before. Like actually truly meant it. I love your daughter, and I am so incredibly grateful you've let her stay with us this long. I understand if you don't want her to stay, but I will visit every weekend, Nd any extra days inbetween."

I just stared at him. I was crying again. Not loud histarics, but silent tears of happiness. So was he. And so were almost everyone else. I've never seen my best friends so happy.

I've never sen them so hurt within a few seconds either.

"I'm sorry but I can't let her stay with you for three months. She has school and family and friends." Said Kenzie's dad.

"Yes, and they have college to apply for." Said mine.

The other parents mostly agreed.

Let me just say I love Mandies mom.

"Hey wait a minute. I've been here with the girls. These boys take excellent care of them. The boys do school work with a tutor. I'm sure we could arrange that. And they're best friends. What more could you ask for? You+your bestfriends+your famous boyfriends+London=every girls dream. Give them a chance."

"Yes Mr. and Mrs. Belnap our tutor is phenominal and there are excellent colleges she can attend here, but she can apply online for college as well." Zayn added

"Yeah and they won't be worked as hard as we will." When Niall said it he almost laughed about how much they worked. They were always so tired.

"Well, I don't know. How about this. Each week a parent will fly out to wherever you are and visit for a day or so. That way you have freedom bug you're still under our watch."

"...So we can stay..?"



"Love you too Kaylee."

We said our goodbyes and as soon as we hung up I launched into Zayn's arms. He caught me and spin me around really fast which made me hold in really tight. When he slowed down I relaxed and pulled back and looked at him. He was smiling from ear to ear. He was so excited. It was honestly so cute. All I wanted to do was kiss him, but I didn't want to take his adorable smile off of his face. So I just smiled and said, well, screamed, "I GET TO STAY I GET TO GO WITH YOU YAY ZAYN YAY!!!" I had hoped that his smile would have died down so I could plant one on him but he hadn't. He just stared.


"I'm so excited I just want to kiss you."

"Good that's what I wanted to do too."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Your smile was too cute!"

"Aww you're cute"

Seriously I just love kissing him. Like a lot. It's like "my strange addiction." I could never get enough.

Me and the girls went shopping. The boys came for a little but they got bored so we went all over Paris. I looked T the clock and said "Dinner!!"

"Good I'm HUNGRY!" I heard from behind me.

"Ni!!!" Screamed Mandie


Oh no they have nicknames too cute.

The rest of the boys piled in, all cut with their little ways of making is blush.

Louis had gotten Ginny flowers, Harry jumped on Kenzie's back then planted one right on her cheek. Zayn had come up from behind me and placed a necklace on me. I looked down at it and it said "back for you"

"It's so pretty! Thank you!"

"No problem love. It says back for you because no matter how many concerts or interviews or anything I have to go to, I will come back for you."

"Zayn that's beautiful!"

"The back has the date if the concert you went to on it."

I turned it over and sure enough it did. '11-30-12' with a heart on it.

"Thank you, I love it."

"I hoped you would."

We went to dinner at a place I can't pronounce and had a really nice time. We went back to the hotel and Liam wanted to watch Insidious.

"Liam you always wanna watch Toy Story!"

"Let's change it up!"

"No but I'm scared!" Zayn argued

"It's okay zayney, I've seen it. I'll protect you!" I said, hugging him from behind.

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Niall pointed out.

"Hey, if he's scared I'm protecting him. Now back off!" I joked.

"Yes ma'am! Gotcha!"

"Zayn your girlfriend rocks!" Said Harry.

"HEY!" Kenzie pretended to be hurt.

"Just because you're not scared and I am doesn't make me a bad girlfriend does it?" She made a puppy dog face. He melted. She had him good.

"No babe it doesn't I was kidding I love you promise Kenz."

"Okay good you better!" Was all she said before she ran off to pop popcorn. He followed her.

The movie was scarier then I remembered, but Zayn was terrified so I rubbed his hand and kiss him and then he would calm down. Then the demon would jump out and of have to do it again. At some point he just fell asleep and so I leaned back onto his chest and did the same.

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