Back For You-A Zayn Malik Fanfic

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Chapter 3:

We were leaving for the concert tomorrow. The girls stayed the night. We vowed to allow ourselves a solid 5 hours of sleep for the drive there and the concert. LIES. We got maybe 2. I mean can you blame us? Kenzie was talking to Harry and ZAYN MALIK FROM ONE DIRECTION gave ME VIP tickets. We were beyond enthused.

We slept the whole drive, even while blasting TMH and Ed SHEERAN the whole ride.

When we got there, it was around one in the afternoon. The concert was at 7, so we had six hours. Was that enough time?!?! We hurriedly went to the hotel, and got completely ready. By then it was 2:15.

Uhm... What to do. We started playing never have I ever, but the way with your fingers in a circle. It was down to me and Kenzie and it was my turn. I thought long and hard. "Never have I ever texted Harry Styles." I won, and she screamed with joy.

I got a DM from Zayn. *insert ear piercing fangirl scream*

"Hey! You coming tonight?"

"You bet! Wouldn't miss it for. anything!!"

"Great! Wanna hang out with us before the concert? Say...4:30? Harry says bring Kenzie!"

"Well... Lemme check my scheduleYEPWE'REFREE."

"Awesome! Just go around to the back entrance of the stadium! I'll meet you! Xx"



Luckily, we were done, so we just fangirled. The whole time.

Once we got there, we went around back. As he promised, Zayn was waiting. But he wasn't alone. Harry was with him.

"KENZIE!!" Harry bellowed.

"HAZZA!!" She replied.

They walked arms linked the whole way there. The rest of us just awkwardly walked as a group, but Zayn and I got along really well! He made me laugh so hard! And hen he told me I laughed lie Niall, and in that moment, I became a puddle of feels.

We reaches the room where the other boys were, and Liam instantly stated

"So these are the two that you two have been talking about nonstop?"

All four of us blushed, but I guarantee I was as red as Lou's pants. Zayn talked about me? A lot? I saw the Harry Kenzie thing. But really? Zayn? He was never my favorite, but he was super cute and amazingly funny and talented and his eyes were beautiful and he was so sweet and.. Wow I really do like him.

We all talked as a group, but as "couples" too. Harry and Kenzie, Niall and Mandie, Lou and Ginny, and Liam kinda awkwardly mingled around. His girlfriend, Perrie, was on your with her band little mix.


Before I knew it, the boys had to go. We headed to our seats. They were perfect. Front row, dead center. The entire time I was in tears and screaming, but every slow song we swayed. Zayn looked at me a lot while he was singing. Every time he did I got butterflies. Scratch that. I don't get butterflies. I get knots. In my stomach. I swear someone just tied a bow in there. It's amazing, but horrible.

Afterwords, we had our "meet and greet" for an hour. It basically was just like before the concert, except Liam was skyping with Perrie.

When it was time to go, I hugged all the boys, saving Zayn for last. His was long. It felt so right. I'm cold blooded, like ALWAYS need a blanket, and he was so warm and gentle but strong. After our hug ended(worst thing ever) he kissed me.

I repeat- he kissed me. Yeah you heard me right. Zayn Javaad Malik, the Muslim guy in the world famous boyband One Direction with the perfect hair and clothes, KISSED ME.

It was short, bug not too short. I was down for it to be longer, but "you win some you lose some."

When we got back to the hotel, my mom was out shopping. I was instantly interrogated.

"Did you and Zayn kiss?"

"How was it?"

"Was it amazing?"

"Did you kiss back? I bet you did."

"GUYS. yes he kissed me. I DEFINITELY kissed back and it was PERFECT. Too bad I'm short, awkward and American. He's never go for this." I said, gesturing to myself.

"HEY. YOU NEVER KNOW.!" Ginny said. I blushed like a tomato. I could stop smiling or thinking about it.

His lips on mine. His hand on my cheek, the other on my back, strong but gentle. It was absolutely perfect.

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