Chapter 25

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"Oh my god..." Caitlin drops her purse and pharmacy bag by the door, rushing over to me. I'm still on the floor, attempting to pull myself together after Phoebe had left just minutes ago. I try to curl up, but my damp hair can't hide from Caitlin's wide eyes.

"What the hell happened?!" she commands, sitting down next to me and feeling my wet clothes. She finds a piece of VIP pass stuck to my arm and picks it up, examining it. A piece of the "1D" is clearly printed on it.

"Who did this?" she asks, her voice quiet. She rushes to the bathroom to grab a towel for me. "Tell me. Now."

I busy myself by wringing the water out of my hair, avoiding her eyes. "It was just an accident," I mumble. If Phoebe knew I told on her, she'd only be angrier.

"Our passes from yesterday being ripped to shreds is an accident?!" Caitlin questions. I know she's not letting this go. "Who did this." Then I see a lightbulb go in her head, and I wince.

"Nina? Was it Phoebe?"

I look down, swallowing. "She was just upset because of the article-" I can't finish, because Caitlin immediately jumps up and storms to the door.

"Caitlin! No!!" I cry, but I know my shouts are useless once she slams the door behind her. I chew on my nails as I hear her beat loudly on Phoebe's door. I wince as I listen to what follows: the creak of the opening door, some very loud shouting and swearing, and even a scream. I busy myself by starting a shower and peeling off my soaking clothes, changing into sweats while trying to block out the chaos next door.

Finally Caitlin comes through the door again, walking over calmly to the bed that I'm sitting on.

"Cait..." I begin, worried. "I heard screaming..."

"Yep," she replies coolly, dropping something in my lap. As I peer closer, I notice it's a crimped blonde hair extension.

"What is this?!" I shriek, kicking off the extension.

"Just hear this, babe," Caitlin says, patting my wet head. "Phoebe won't be bothering you for a while."

I shiver as I realize the hair was on Phoebe's head only a few minutes ago.

"She just gets on my nerves so much," Caitlin says through her teeth, stomping on the extension. "I want to do bad things to that chick."

"But you won't," I urge her. "I'm fine now, trust me. She can't do anything more." Hopefully.

"But she could if you're not careful," she whines, plopping down next to me to help squeeze the water from my hair. "I don't know why she's so protective of the guys, but she has to lay off. Next time she gets within ten feet of you I'm gonna flipping-"

"Do nothing!!" I butt in. "Look, I know she's awful but you just have to let it go."

Caitlin sighs. "But I feel bad," she says quietly. "Like she's being so terrible to you and there's nothing I can do to help."

"You can help," I tell her, "by just ignoring her with me. We can hang out with Eleanor and the guys, and she's just gonna have to deal with it."

Caitlin nods, standing up to grab another towel to soak up the wet carpet. "Okay, but she better leave you alone. There's more hair where that came from."

"You're the freaking best, but you're still a psycho," I say, laughing as I get up to shower.

"Honey, I'm the full package," Caitlin scoffs as I pad into the bathroom. I take off my sweats and step into the warm shower, trying to let all the stress of today wash away.

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