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Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secrets

"Family isn't based on blood. It's based on how you're treated."

July 1992
Dursley Household - Harry & Liv's Bedroom

It was a quiet summer evening in Surrey. Harry Potter was in his new bedroom looking at the picture book that Hagrid gave him at the end of his first year at Hogwarts.

Across the room, in another bed, sat Liv Potter. She was petting Winter as she was staring at a moving picture of her, Hermione and Roni. Then she looked at another picture of her and Draco. She was quite sad because none of her friends had sent her or her brother letters. She missed them deeply.

Liv & Harry then heard Harry's owl, Hedwig, chirping and hooting in her cage. "I can't let you out, Hedwig. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school," Harry said but then Hedwig nibbled at her lock, squawking loudly. "Besides, if Uncle Vernon-"


Harry and Liv sighed before they looked at Hedwig. "Now you've done it," Liv said before the two got up and walked out of their room.

Dursley Household

In the kitchen, Aunt Petunia was working on a cake when Liv and Harry entered. She looked at them before she glanced into the living room. "He's in there, Vernon," Petunia said.

Then Harry & Liv entered the living room, where Uncle Vernon was getting Dudley dressed up. He then gave the Twins a ugly look. "I'm warning you. If you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go," Vernon said.

"It's not her fault," Liv said.

"She's bored. If I could only let her out for...an hour or two," Harry said but Vernon chuckled.

"So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir," Vernon said but Liv glared at him.

"They're not freaky," Liv said.

"We haven't had any messages from any of our friends. Not one. All summer," Harry said and Liv frowned.

"Who would want to be friends with you?" Dudley asked before he bumped into Harry and Liv harshly. Liv faced him with a death look.

"A lot more than you, you tosser!" Liv exclaimed as Harry held her back from attacking Dudley. He then made them face Vernon again.

"I should think you'd be a little more grateful. We've raised you since you were babies, given you the food off our table, even let you have Dudley's second bedroom, purely out of the goodness of our hearts," Vernon said and Liv raised an eyebrow.

"Right," she said.

Dudley tried to have a little piece of the cake but Petunia stopped him. "Not now, bumpkins. It's for when the Masons arrive," Petunia said.

"Which should be any minute," Vernon said before he motioned for his family to come into the living room. "Now, let's go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be...?"

"In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home," Petunia said.

"Good. And, Dudley, you will be...?" Vernon asked.

"I'll be waiting to open the door," Dudley said.

"Excellent," Vernon said before the three of them faced Harry and Liv with scornful looks. "And you two...?"

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