after traveling through many regions, Ash has been wondering if there was anything left to do, he's traveled through many of places since he began, and had no idea what to do next, one day, he heard a familiar name (Serena) on tv, he looked and saw...
when Ash got his stuff and was ready to go, he was excited to head back to kalos and reveal his feelings towards Serena, pikachu hopped on Ash's shoulder and a few minutes later, he said goodbye to prof. oak and his mother.
at the airport:
Oak: have a good time my boy, and be sure to keep us updated
Delia: here Ash, take this
Delia handed Ash a pair of gloves, one of them had an open slot, for a keystone
Delia: this slot is for the keystone, it'll be handy for your pokemon that can mega evolve
Ash: thanks, i'll be sure to make good use of it.
Delia: good luck Ash
and soon Ash was on the plane back to kalos, He was super hyped to be back, but one of the main reasons was so he could see Serena
Ash: buddy, i'm so psyched, i can't wait to be back at kalos pikachu: Pika...chu! Ash: but if i'm honest, i can't wait to see Serena again, you could already tell how i feel about her. pikachu nodded his head in agreement
soon the plane arrived in kalos, at the lumiose city airport
Ash: we're finally here
soon after they left the airport, they soon ran into his old pokemon greninja, who was finished with the job Zygarde had for him. Ash: it's great to see you again greninja, greninja: gren (likewise Ash) Ash: greninja, i'm gonna need you for my journey, will you be willing to join me again? greninja: nin..Gren..nin..ja( my work is Z is finished, i'm more than happy to rejoin you Master) Ash: great Ash then pulls out greninja's old pokeball, and before they knew it, greninja was now on Ash's team, Ash continued his way towards prism tower, and when he got there, he saw the kalos queen herself and ran straight to her
Ash: Serena!! Serena: huh? who is.., *gasp* Ash!! Ash then came up to Serena and gently pressed his lips on hers, Serena was a bit surprised, but she remembers how much she loves Ash and started kissing back with much more passion, a few minutes felt like hours to them, soon they broke off from they're sweet kiss do to need of oxygen
Ash: Serena, since i've traveled around the world, i could never forget about you, i've always kept your beautiful face and cute smile with me since we parted ways, Serena, i love you a lot, would you be willing to be my girlfriend?
Serena: Ash, i've started liking you back when we were 6, that day you saved me in the forest, as time went on, that liking became loving and i tried everything in my power to pull you out of that dense shell of yours, i love you too Ash, and i'd love to be your girlfriend!
Ash and Serena then kissed again with more passion
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Ash: we should tell bonnie and clemont Serena: great idea soon they headed off to the lumiose gym.