Reunion of the kalos team

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as soon as Ash and Serena made they're way to the lumiose gym, they then saw Clemont
Ash: hey Clemont!!
Serena: long time no see!!
Clemont: huh? Ash, Serena, is it really you?
Ash: yep
Clemont: it's good to see you guys again, Bonnie, get out here now, you won't believe this!!
Bonnie: what is it...., Ash, Serena? i've missed you 2
Serena: we did too.

Bonnie looked at Serena and got stars in her eyes

Bonnie: Serena, your hair, it grew back.
Serena: well, i thought it be great idea to grow it back
Ash: your honeslty look more beautiful with long hair, it reminds me of when we met back in Santilune city
Serena: (blushing) thanks Ash.
Bonnie: (smirking) Serena, why are you holding Ash's hand?
Serena: oh, we forgot to tell you, we're a couple now
Clemont: wow, i'm very happy for you two
Bonnie: that's great!!
Ash: me and Serena are gonna be heading on a journey soon
Clemont: if i may Ask, what do you plan to do here?
Ash: well i was thinking, since i know charizard can mega evolve, i thought i'd get my hands on a keystone and megastone
Clemont: sounds like you got something planned in mind for us
Serena: well let's all go together, it's been a while since we traveled together.
Ash: that's a great idea Serena
Serena: thanks, but where will we head off to?
Clemont: maybe we can find one in shalor city, and if i recall, korrina also has mega evolution
Ash: we should head to shalor city then
bonnie: well let's get going
Serena: yeah, come on
Ash: step on it clemont
Clemont: wait for me

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