Mega evolution

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as Ash calls prof. Oak for his charizard, Serena decided to tag along with him

Oak: hello Ash, how are things so far?
Ash: they're great, i need you to transfer charizard over, now that i got a keystone and megastone.
Oak: alright, i'll go get him, oh, who are you young lady?
Serena: i'm Serena, i'm Ash's girlfriend, i attended your pokemon summer camp a long time ago.
Oak: ah, so your the one that hanged around with Ash
Serena: yep
Oak: ok, sending Charizard
Ash: Received
Oak: have a good time you two
Ash and Serena: bye
Serena: wow, he's a fun guy to be with
Ash: yeah, just wait until you see my other pokemon
Serena: can't wait

After they got charizard, they went back to clemont, korrina and bonnie

Clemont: alright Ash, let's see how it goes
Ash: alright, come out charizard

Charizard was happy to see Ash again

Bonnie: wow, it's so amazing
Korrina: let's see how it goes
Ash: charizard, we're gonna try mega evolution, are you ready?

As Ash put on the harness and places the mega stone on, all of the other pokkemon are cheering them on

Serena: you can do it Ash, i believe in you

Ash and Charizard were excited, yet calm as the wind, he tapped on the keystone, and the megastone begun to glow

Ash: Charizard, Mega evolve!!

soon Ash's charizard became mega charizard X

Bonnie: Wow, so cool!!!
Clemont: truly amazing, perhaps i should catch a pokemon that can mega evolve.
Korrina: your gym would be very hard to challenge, like mine is.

Serena ran up to Ash

Serena: Ash, you were incredible.
Ash: thanks Serena
Serena was then pulled by Ash into a kiss

Ash: Serena, after i win the pokemon league and defeat the champion, will you be willing to travel around the world with me?

Serena was surprised, but was very happy

Serena: Ash, i'd love to travel with you

??????: well look who it is.

they soon turned around saw trevor, shauna and tierno

Ash: tierno, trevor, shauna, it's been a long time

Tierno: yeah it has, what brings you back to kalos?

Ash: well other than coming back to see Serena, i thought i'd give mega evolution a try, soon we're gonna try to win the pokemon league and defeat the champion

Trevor: well about that, i'm afraid Diantha was already defeated by an old friend of ours.

Serena: you mean Calem?

Shauna: yep, he's become super powerful, and he's been training super hard, he'd probably give Ash a run for his money.

Ash: well in that case i'll train super hard as well, and we'll be ready for him.

Serena: i know Calem's pokemon, and i can help you train if you like.

Ash: that'll be great Serena

Clemont: if i recall, he once challenged me back at the lumiose gym

Shauna: let's head to the pokemon center and call him, surely he'll respond.

Serena felt a bit nervous, seeing this Ash quickly responds

Ash: are you ok Serena?

Serena: huh? oh, i'm fine Ash.

Ash: you seem rather nervous.

Serena: well you see, Calem has had a bit of a crush on me, but when i told him i have feelings for someone else, he seemed rather jealous.

Tierno: Calem may have been a bit jealous, but he was also a bit happy for you Serena, surely he'll be thrilled to hear this.

Serena: i hope so

Ash: it'll be fine Serena, i'll be there for you

Serena: hmmm, thank you Ash.

Serena then leaned forward and kissed Ash, both of them were blushing red

Shauna: awe, you two are so cute together

Clemont: they did become a couple after all

Korrina: so did we Clemont.

hearing what Shauna said Made both Ash and Serena blush even harder, now that they're a couple, it'll bring many great moments

Ash: alright, Let's head to the pokemon center Sere

Serena: (blushing from the nickname) sure Ashy

as they all walked toward the pokemon center, to try and call the New Kalos champion and old friend Calem, how will he react to hearing Serena and Ash being a couple, find out soon in the next chapter of "Pokemon, journey beyond the world"

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