after traveling through many regions, Ash has been wondering if there was anything left to do, he's traveled through many of places since he began, and had no idea what to do next, one day, he heard a familiar name (Serena) on tv, he looked and saw...
Korrina: long time no see Ash: you bet Serena: it's great to see you again korrina Korrina: thanks Serena, by the way Ash, i heard your looking for a mega stone and key stone Ash: yeah, since i know charizard can mega evolve, i thought i'd give it a go and see how it turns out Korrina: there's a megastone shop around here, surely you'll have better luck there Ash: Thanks, and maybe we might get you something too Serena Serena: that's really kind of you Ash
the crew went to the megastone shop, however bonnie noticed that clemont was staying behind
Bonnie: aren't you gonna come with clemont? Clemont: not this time, i wanna spend some time with korrina, if that's alright. Korrina: i don't mind at all Ash: you two have a good time, we'll be back before you know it
---------time skip--------
Ash, Serena and Bonnie went to the mega stone shop to find a charizardite for Ash's charizard, and maybe a special something for Serena, Clemont and Korrina are spending some time together, like it was a date
Korrina: so what do you wanna do clemont? Clemont: well i've wanted to tell you something for a while now Korrina: what is it? they both soon look into each other's eyes Clemont: korrina, i've been having these feelings for you since we 1st met a while ago Korrina: what type of feelings? Clemont: korrina, since we met each other a long time ago, i fell in love with you Korrina: Clemont Clemont: Korrina, i love you more than i love anything else Korrina: Clemont, i love you too
soon they leaned foward and kissed, not only did Clemont had feelings for Korrina, she had feelings for him too
meanwhile at the megastone shop
Serena: wow, these are all beautiful Bonnie: yeah, i bet any of them would look great with you Serena Serena: Ash, what do you think? Ash: i think they'll look great for you as well Serena blushed light pink Ash: but i found something that's just as good
They looked at a necklace that had sapphires, Ash thought it would look great on Serena
Serena: wow, so pretty Ash: it also matches your eyes Serena: huh? what do you mean Ash? Ash: Serena your eyes are just as beautiful and the sky and sea
Serena blushed very hard, what Ash said was rather heart touching
Serena: Ash, that was the sweetest thing you've ever said about me, thank you Ash: i love you Serena Serena: i love you too Ash
Ash then walked forward and kissed Serena
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Ash: i think it'll be great if you have it Serena: Ash, i..i don't know what to say shop owner: here you go kid, 2 charizardites
they looked at them and saw a blue mega stone and a orange mega stone
Ash: wow, they look great, but which one? Serena: maybe the blue one, cuz.. well you know
Serena was blushing so hard, there was no hiding it, and Ash knew what she meant
Ash: alright, so blue it is Shop owner: exellent choice young man, and if you want, we can also give your lovely girlfriend this necklace as well. Ash: that'll be great, what do you think Serena Serena: i'd love it
after they were done shopping, they soon saw clemont and korrina, and they noticed they were kissing.
Ash: so you two are officially a couple now? Clemont: yes, we are Serena: that's great news Bonnie: i'm very happy for you big brother
Clemont then grabbed bonnie with his aipom arm
Clemont: your gonna be spending more time with me and korrina, it'll be fun Ash: well it's getting dark, let's head back to the pokemon center
when they got to the pokemon center, bonnie was already asleep, Clemont and Korrina, Ash and Serena all headed off to bed
Clemont: i really hope we will be together more often Korrina: me too Clemont: someday i hope to marry you, so we can stay together forever Korrina: i'd love that to happen too Clemont: i love you korrina Korrina: i love you too clemont
soon they leaned foward and started making out, afterwards headed off to bed, meanwhile in Ash and Serena's room
Ash: i'm happy Clemont now has a girlfriend Serena: so am i, i wonder what will come of it Ash: perhaps we'll find out soon enough
Ash and Serena they sat together on they're bed
Serena: i love you Ash Ash: i love you too Serena
they begun to sharing a kiss before heading to sleep