Part 17

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Italics- Lydia's voices


A sharp ring filled Lydia's ears and she blinked multiple times to see in the clouded lair. She coughed from the dust and looked around to see it was dark and destroyed.

"Oliver," she called out, sliding herself from under a file cabinet. Her bones popped in place and she crawled over to the unconscious, muscular body and shook him.

"Oliver," she repeated and he woke up in a large gasp. "Lydia," he sighed, taking her hand. The lights crackled and they ducked from the loose wires, looking at the destruction.

"I don't want to point fingers..." she trailed off and he knew. "We should probably get out of here," he said, taking the lead. He clicked the button but the underground room shook. "Explosion from above," she figured.

"We can take the garage," he said and they went over. She let out a groan, "She knows what she's doing." "She did blow up the precinct," he said." "No other escape route?" She questioned and he went to the standing drawers, taking out a blueprint of the facility.

"Blood chose this place because it wasn't on city records and underground was massive," he said, pointing to the map. "We should try turning the power back on." "If we do, this whole place will blow," she told him. "What about air?" He asked. "You'll survive, I won't."

Her head pulled back, gazing at the ceilings' system, looking back at the blueprints. "But if we can get the elevator moving, I can estimate how much time we have until it reaches the top before this place explodes," she said, handing him the map.

She went for the elevator the rumbled when she entered and he helped lifted her so she'd hang. She shook her head to move the blood that was rushing as she popped open the latch. For precautions, she stuck a hand through and felt something pierce it and she winced, dropping down.

"Trap," she groaned, pulling out the screw and watched it heal. "Then we'll take another exit," he said, looking at the map again. "There are tunnels below us."

He let out a hand she grabbed when he pulled her up and they went to the furthest down and stared intro eh darkness. "You scared?" She asked, seeing him grab a pack, cracking glow sticks. "Have to be prepared," he told her and they walked down.

The heel of her boots clapped in the hallways that echoed back and forth until they reached a steel door. She took a big breath, motioning her arms forward for a scream that compressed the door off its hinges and they continued.


Felicity was able to hear fast footsteps from her office and looked up when Stiles slipped at the entrance, quickly picking himself up and she laughed.

"What's wrong this time?" She asked, eyeing him to calm his breathing. "Oliver- Oliver and Lydia," he said breathlessly, waving an arm. "Trapped in the lair." "What?" She said frantically. "How?" "Explosion," he told her and she followed him.

"Thea's already at the cite and Diggle's bringing equipment," he explained as he sped down the streets to near the campaign building. The entrance to the pipeline was open and they went down, hearing the sound of a drill.

"It might take longer," Diggle told them. "But they will run out of the air," Thea said. "Go, again."


Oliver was tense from being trapped with her. She was going to leave him and now she was staying but only for one reason: to escape.

They walked together down the dark tunnels as he dropped glow sticks so they'd be able to find their way back. He kept glancing at her determined face that was eager to get out.

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