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Inspired by @Pennypez454 and @NightLovesGoose (I think-)

TW! :mention and fighting, killing people, running away, snapping at other people(like yelling and stuff), and burning stuff,
so if you don't like that crap, then skip to the next one.

In this world there are two forms of people, the ones that are normal.
And the ones that have a animal form as well. The reason to that is cause animals have also a human connection like humans, that being love.


Crainer was one of the high ranked member of the Golden age of mcyts-also known as team crafted - so he was one of the strongest, smartest and known of them, but of course ssunde being the first out of them. Crainer was ssundes right hand man actually,they would do everything together, fight together, train for w or fights together, hell, even go buy food together!.

But, not all stuff stay the same.


Today, crainer was in a bad mood. Like really bad mood, to the point that he was on the edge of breaking, and just kill stuff, etc.
But one of the member, that was the newest one, just chosses to just annoy him.
Big Mistake.

After the fourth sentence, he just breaks, yelling at him to shut up, that to stop or he will kill everyone here, and the younger one teases him about that he doesn't have to balls to, but was shown then he saw crainer, in a blink of a eye, take his sword out and stab him through the stomach.

After that the brunette took a run to the place that all the light up stuff where, also gas and of course, a lighter, also finding some tape and taking that as well. Running outside after he added gas on everything, the floor, the walls, the objects in there as well. But unfortunately, no one was inside, since it was dark and he had to stay a little bit longer in there.

He them lighted the lighter, putting tape on it so that it staid light, then thrown it on the door, caching fire immediately, laughing crazyly, then staring at it with a smile on his face. But almost immediately dropping the smile and looked in terror, knowing that in the morning, ssunde and the others will find out. Not knowing what to do, he took a run for it again.


He was running for a while, his lungs screaming at him to stop, as well as his legs, but he didn't listen. He keep running, untill he trips, falling face first on the ground, groaning from the pain, slowly getting to a sitting position, rubbing his head.
He then got up then he felt better, starting to walk to find somewhere to stay for tonight, or even forever.

He then finds a little base, with tents, a little cottage next to them and a camp fire that was not light up. He wandered over there, looking if there are people that keep the little camp.He then hear voices, laughter and little playful screams, all coming from the cottage. His hear quickened. 'what if they aren't friendly?, what if they found out that I'm here they will kill me? What if-'.

His thoughts where stopped then he hear a Crunch underneath his feet, heart immediately dropped then he heard the door open, a curly-ish brown haired man came out the small cottage, he had a light gray hoodie, one eye blue-grey color, the other one was a green-grey color, but only 10 inches taller than me."hey! what are you doing here in the night? Come in here and then we will introduce ourselves!" he said, he also had a british voice, and a weak smile on his face. 'did he just let me in even though he doesn't even know me?' I thought.
"yea sure" I say, even if I don't know him, I will still have a place to stay untill morning.


666 words

But if you guys want a part 2 or a full series of this, then tell me. 💜

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