The start of the talk

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Chapter 1
Name: The start of the talk.

Dream and George, such good friends and for such a long time, could be found sitting in a small table from their favorite coffee shop (requested by George). They decided to take their coffee inside, so they could have a little chit chat.

They started their conversation with George's wedding and how happy he was to finally take this step in his life, one thing led to another and...

-Have you ever thought of dating a girl? - George asked calmly.

-For what? I guess not - asked the opposite, his face showing visible confusion, the thought of dating a girl had never crossed his mind, actually he had never thought about it until now. His relationship with sapnap was more than ok, why would he?

-Don't get me wrong, i support your relationship to the fullest, but has it never crossed your mind that maybe you could -he made short pause- experience a relationship with a woman? - He asked, moving his hands nervously as he tried to explain himself.

-No, I already have Sapnap - Dream replied, looking at George directly, no clear expression in sight.

-But girls are complicated - he said.

-Sapnap as well -

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