dwell; xiao

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"just a mission, xiao! chill out! i'll be back in less than a day!"

[name] did say that, and it's been 3 days since xiao saw the girl. he keeps waiting for her return, but he didn't see or hear anything about her. he did ask verr goldet about her, unfortunately, she haven't saw [name] since her departure for the mission.

xiao furrows his eyebrows— worried about the fragile mortal he cared for, what happened to her? why isn't she back yet?... is she okay? he closed his eyes to calm himself down and went out to search for the girl. he searched up and downs for her, everytime he take turn and saw no sign of her, he gets worry and anxious.

he bite his lower lips as he went back to wangshu inn and look for [name] two times harder, he turned his body around and saw a familiar necklace is hanged on a tree trunk. his eyes went wide when he saw a stain of blood on it, he quickly took the necklace and ran to search for blood droplets.

and it leds him to a group of hilichurls- staring down at unconscious [name] with wounds and bloods, "[name]..." he called out her name with wide eyes and despair in his amber eyes. the hilichurls noticed him and ran to attack him, he glared at them as he used his mask and kill all of them with anger and vengeance.

she felt like it was drizzling, she could hear a thunder as she opened her eyes halfly and saw the guardian of yaksha killed the hilichurls that captured her, then it was raining. the adepti's mask disappeared as he turned his head to look at her, he ran to her and held her in his arms— she could see tears falling from his amber eyes.


[name] opened her eyes and got blinded by the sunlight, "i died...?" she questioned herself as she covered her eyes from the blinding sunlight. "you are in wangshu inn, [name]. you are not dead." [name] almost jumped out from her bed in surprise because the adepti popped out of nowhere beside her,

"please make a normal entrance..." she smiled as she sat up to face xiao properly, she felt her head aches but only for a moment. [name] looked down to her stomach and felt relieved when it's already covered in bandages, "... how are you feeling?"

he asked hesitantly as he looked at her with worry, "hmm... i'm fine. my stomach hurts like hell yesterday, but it's not really hurt now!" she exclaimed with a grin, he stared at the girl as his head tilt to the side. "you were unconscious for 2 days."

xiao stated with furrowed eyebrows, [name]'s eyes went wide as she let out a loud gasp. "what?! really?!" she shouted at him as he let out a sigh, he reached his pocket and gave her the lost necklace that belongs to her. "i gave it to you so you could wear it, not lose it,"

he rolled his eyes in disappointment that [name] lost the necklace he gave her, she let out a nervous laugh as she wore the necklace with a soft smile. "xiao..." she called out his name with a gentle voice, his amber eyes gaze upon [name]'s eyes without saying a word.

"i remember rain and you ran to me, then you held me in your arms. i saw tears fell from your eyes, were you... crying?" [name] asked hesitantly as she held her necklace firmly, his eyes wide at her question— he didn't even realize he was crying that night.

he was just really worried about her and when he saw her covered in bloods, his heart clenched and he felt really angry at the hilichurls. xiao also felt like he wanted to scream as if he was in pain, he didn't understand this feelings.

"i don't know... i was feeling angry and pain when i saw you that night." he started to tell her what he felt that night with sadness in his eyes, "the way your bloods covered your body—it hurts my chest." he continued as he put his hand on his chest,

[name] realized what he meant and quickly leaned closer to him, holding his shoulder in worry. "[name]..." xiao called out her name as she let out a hum, letting him know that she's listening him. he took her hand on his shoulder and hold it firmly.

"i was so scared... i thought i lost you that night..." xiao closed his eyes and put her hand on his cheek, she looked at him with worry as she nibble her lower lips.

"please, never leave my side again, [name]."

xiao's closed eyes shed tears as he hold her hand close to him, her eyes went wide as a tear escapes from her eyes. she smiled as she leaned in to give a peck on his head, "i won't. i will never leave you again, xiao."

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