5 - What is it?

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After what his angel had just told him, the demon couldn't even hesitate. He immediately flew through the gates of hell to find his old master.

"Beelzebub!" The demon screamed flying through the underworld. Upon finding the Lord he landed, looking threatening.

"Give me the halo."

"And why would I do that?"

"Cause I'll kill you myself if you don't."

"You are not welcome here, leave." Crowley hissed in response:

"If you want me gone, you'll have to kill me... Oh wait, you can't." Sensing his angel's energy, he had found the halo. With an inhuman movement, Crowley zoomed into Beelzebub's pocket pulling out the golden ring. He could feel the angelic energy eminating from it to Crowley, it felt like home. It filled him with one of the most precious memories he and his beloved angel had shared. He couldn't seem to understand what hell would even do with a halo. He'd ask Aziraphale later.

"Now we can kill you!" Beelzebub laughed. Crowley flinched as two demons either side lunged at him, only for them to burst into flames and disappearing to ash. The demon Lord was mortified.

"You dumbfuck." Crowley muttered. "Aziraphale didn't break the deal! The deal still stands. Even if he gets his Halo back, he still gave you the halo. You're the one who lost it." With that Crowley turned on his heels, flying off with Beelzebub screaming horrible things after the smirking demon. Returning to the bookshop, he found Aziraphale on all fours with his wings tense.

"Aziraphale?" The demon asked cautiously. He quickly hurried to the angel's side, dropping to his knees. The angel quickly glanced at him.

"Crowley, it hurts. It hurts so much." Digging the ring out of his pocket he held it out to his friend. Aziraphale's eyes widened.

"Here angel, take it back."

"B...But..." Crowley rolled his eyes, picking up his angel's hand and slipping the ring onto his pinky finger, where it belonged. Almost immediately the angel collapsed, his head landing on Crowley's legs.

"Angel?" Crowley quickly panicked but resumed his calm as he watched his angel's wings rapidly growing new bright white feathers. The angel let out a sigh and Crowley smiled, knowing that he was no longer in pain. For hours they stayed on the floor of the bookshop Aziraphale resting on his love's lap while his love stroked his fingers through the fresh white feathers. Crowley didn't think he'd ever been happier. His worries gone and his love asleep on him. With a snap of his fingers, the demon and the angel turned up in the bedroom. Aziraphale snuggled against Crowley's chest unknowingly. The demon chuckled a little and continued stroking the Angel's wings until he too fell asleep.

Aziraphale felt so peaceful as he woke up the next morning. His eyes fluttered open to see a dark piece of fabric against his face. Following the fabric along, he was met with Crowley's sleeping features. Happiness met the angel's eyes in warm droplets. Gently, Aziraphale craned up to plant a kiss on His demon's cheek but at the last minute the demon turned his head to the side so Aziraphale's kiss landed on his lips. The Angel's eyes widened while a mischievous smirk lit up the demon's face. Aziraphale smiled at his behaviour before climbing on top of him and kissing his demon harder. Finally, they broke away, both smiling. Aziraphale dismounted the demon, locking hands. As the demon ran his hand across the angel's, he took a closer look at the ring.

"What is it?" The demon asked. Aziraphale looked at him confused.

"It's my Halo."

"No I know that. But I don't understand, what did hell want with it?"

"Ah..." The angel looked at him in understanding. Both of them sat up, facing each other. "A halo can absorb any good or any evil. Any miracle, whether good or bad can be undone, or amplified. A single Halo has the power to destroy worlds, or to create them."

"But then why would you give it to the underworld?"

"Even if they had it, they couldn't use it."

"What? Why?" The angel looked at him a little surprised.

"Really? Could you not feel it?" The demon looked back at him not understanding. "Crowley..." He muttered, sliding his ring off, he placed it in his demon's palm. Again, that precious memory flashed through Crowley's head.

Both Crowley and Aziraphale popped across to Australia for work. Crowley had gone with his angel. He claimed he too had a temptation to perform, but in reality, there were some violent demons in that part of the world, so the demon went with his angel to protect him. It didn't take long for him to finish, but as he did, he heard a cry for help. Following the sound, the pair walked into an alleyway where a girl looked to be being attacked by a large dog. The angel walked past the dog and whispered into the girl's ear. She nodded before standing up and casually walking away. The angel then turned around and the dog lunged at him. The angel threw out his arms and looked away. When he looked back, he saw the dogs sharp teeth piercing through the dark wings of his demon.

"Get off." Crowley warned. The Dog let go, whimpering and running off. Aziraphale walked up to his friend hesitantly. As he reached out to the injury, Crowley, roughly pulled his wing away.

"Oh... Oh my. I'm so so sorry." The angel's hand covered his mouth while his eyes turned glassy.

"Relax angel, it's just a bite."

"Why did you do that?" The demon shrugged. Placing a hand on the dark wings, the angel shut his eyes, miracling the injury away. Only when he did, the single feather that the angel touched turned a brilliant white. Aziraphale gasped and stepped away.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"It's fine. Now I'll always have a piece of you with me." The angel tore his eyes from the feather and meet his serpent's eyes. "Angel I'll never let anything hurt you." It was at that moment, for the first time that Aziraphale could feel a wave of love come from the demon.

"Why does that keep happening?" Crowley asked once his mind returned to the bedroom. He smiled a little. Although he hid that feather with other black ones, he often found himself stroking it.

"Halos are memory locked. You are the only other one I share the memory with." The angel paused. "You are the only other one who can activate the halo's powers."

Eternal - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now