7 - God's will

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"Principality Aziraphale," the holy voice spoke, "you would willingly forgive this demon, who abused your good nature?"

"Great one," Aziraphale replied, remaining knelt by his demon's side. "He may have committed sin in the past and he may have done wrong by you and by me, but I trust in who this man is today. He did not disrupt the balance and instead led the way to prevent the war between heaven and hell which would truely have upset the balance." Aziraphale paused for a moment, "And all you have taught us has been to forgive those who do wrong. I shall stand by the teachings bestowed upon me, be it angel, demon or human."

"You remain among the few pure, young Aziraphale. Perhaps the young demon too shall rise?" Crowley felt his anguish at the thought. His body trembled at the idea of becoming an angel once more. But if it meant he could be with his angel then...

"I would ask that the offer be rescinded," the angel spoke up. Crowley looked at his love in shock.

"You wish for this demon to remain among the unholy?" The god asked inquisitively.

"It is not about what is holy or unholy. He is who he is through what he has been through. He may be a demon but he is far more Holy than many of the angel's among the heavens."

"B... But Aziraphale..." The demon spoke in shock at the angel's words. Aziraphale turned to him and stroked a hand along his cheek, watching his golden eyes closely.

"I never want you to change for me. I know this isn't what you want, and all I want, is for you to be you." The demon placed a hand on top of his love's. His love for the angel outshone anything he had ever felt.

"Very well angel," the feminine voice spoke somewhat more gently. "I shall leave with no further action, however, arch angel Gabriel, consider this your first and last warning, a single act of sin from your part and you shall perish by my hand." The arch angel nodded frightfully and the blue smoke disappeared. Crowley pulled his angel by the shoulder into his arms. Burying his head into the pale angel's shoulder, he whispered.

"Thank you, thank you so much my angel." Aziraphale smiled as he stroked a hand through Crowley's hair. Gabriel and the others, most likely in fear, quickly left while the angel and demon shared their moment. The demon chuckled a little, nuzzling his head further into the nook beside the angel's neck.


"You just challenged God for me," Crowley replied pulling his head away, smiling gleefully at Aziraphale.

"I suppose I did," he replied thoughtfully. He then met the demon's beautiful eyes, smiling. "It was worth it." The demon looked at him, as though questioning why. "You and I can face anything, Crowley. We've just got to have faith in each other." All the pain and grief the demon felt for all he had done to his angel had finally slithered away. He grabbed his angel, needing desperately to express his gratitude to him. Roughly, his mouth slammed against Aziraphale's. His hot tears of relief barely even registering to the demon, but the fierce waves of love the angel could feel emanating from him caused the angel to pull himself closer to his precious demon. For the night, they brought each other into the realm of pure bliss, showing each other their love. It was late at night by the time they had reached the bedroom. They hadn't quite made it under the covers by the time the angel was curled up naked against the side of the bare demon. His eyes shone brightly as he watched his angel sleep. He knew more than ever that everything they had been through, anything that could be thrown at them. It was worth it to have this with his angel. A shiver from the man beside him brought him back to the present. With the corner of his mouth raised ever so slightly, the demon pulled out his dark wings, covering his lover's body with one, while the other lazily drooped over the side of the bed. The new found warmth causing Aziraphale to Nestle closer into Crowley's side. He held his angel close, swearing to himself, that nothing ever would tear Aziraphale away from him. If only he could've kept that promise...

Eternal - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now