Chapter 16

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When Amity returned to Luz's room, Luz had disappeared. The bed had been remade and the whole place cleaned and shining as if Luz had never been there at all. So, after throwing on her normal clothes and hoping she wouldn't be recognized as an actual patient, Amity asked the front desk receptionist where Luz had gone. "I'm not allowed to disclose that kind of information to strangers," the receptionist said, "but you look like a harmless little kid, so what bad could it do. Luz wasn't supposed to be discharged until tomorrow, but a tall lady with a lot of white hair came in a few minutes ago and demanded she go home, and we certainly weren't about to mess with this woman, so we let Luz go with her."

Oh, thank goodness. Amity had been terrified that Luz's condition had somehow worsened and she'd been moved somewhere else- but no, Eda had finally fetched her, which meant she was curled up safe and sound at the Owl House. She thanked the receptionist and went on her way.

When she arrived in the woods just outside the Owl House, just as the sun was beginning to slide below the trees, she sent a quick text to Emira. Spending the evening with Luz at Owl House. Not sure when I'll be back. Make up an excuse for mom and dad if you can.

Em replied immediately. They think ur staying overnight @ hospital lol... asked if they wanted 2 visit u and said no. Not surprised but sry abt that

It's all good, Amity texted back. It wasn't anything she wasn't used to.

As soon as Amity emerged into the clearing that surrounded the house- dry-humoredly taking a note of the crack that still spanned the ground from the moonlight adventure a few weeks ago- Hooty spotted her and stretched to meet her. "Hoot hoooot!" he greeted her. "You looked really good for someone who almost diiiied!"

"If I wasn't so excited to see Luz I would punch you," Amity said.

"You probably shouldn't disturb Luz, hoot. She's sleeping. She's veeerrry tired."

"Too bad. She promised we'd talk." Amity barged past Hooty, but he followed her all the way back to the door.

"About whaaaaat?"

Amity opened the door. "It's none of your business," she said loudly, and slammed the door behind her before Hooty had a chance to fully retract.

"Owww! Hoot!"

The first person Amity spotted was Eda, who was in the corner of the kitchen, and appeared to be cooking... something. Whatever it was, it was burning, and the smell drew Amity sharply back to the terror-filled morning. "Hi, Eda," Amity greeted the older witch, ignoring the fear that was bubbling up inside her again. "Is Luz... is anyone allowed to visit her?"

"Only you," Eda replied, throwing Amity a wink.

Amity blushed. "Is she in her room? Can I go see her?"

"Of course you can." Eda drew her spoon out of the pot and pointed it at her. "She told me what happened at the hospital, though, so no funny business."

"Actually, that's what... that's what I'm here to talk to her about," Amity muttered. She guessed it wasn't too surprising that Luz had told Eda about... that. Eda was basically Luz's mom for the time being. Briefly she wondered what it would be like to have parents she felt safe communicating with... but she quickly dismissed the daydream and shuffled away, climbing the stairs as fast as her sore muscles would let her.

"Don't make any extremely stupid decisions!" Eda yelled after her. "Minorly stupid ones are okay, though!"

She knocked on Luz's door before she opened it. "Hey, Luz," she called softly. "Can I come in? It's just me."

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