Part 4

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Dick’s POV

“You know,” Babs said, as I ran my hand through her hair, “No one actually knows, that he’s yours.”
I frowned, “what do you mean?”
“Well, besides Artemis and Wally, I haven’t actually told anyone that you’re Gabriel’s father.”
“No one?” I asked, surprised, “Not even your Dad?”
She shook her head, “No, I just told him that I didn’t know who the father was. He was quite upset about it at first, but they have become completely inseparable.”
She chuckled slightly.
“And Bruce?” I asked, “Does he know?”
Babs shook her head, “No, I didn’t even tell him I was pregnant. I haven’t been to the manor for a year, and I quit the team about a month later.”
“So, he doesn’t even know that Gabriel exists?” I clarified.
Babs nodded, “I feel terrible about lying to both of them, but I thought it was better that way.”
I smiled, “Well, maybe it’s time to solve that problem.”

The next morning found both Babs and I on her father’s doorstep, with Gabriel dressed snugly in a pale blue onesie. The commissioner seemed surprised to find me on his doorstep, but assured all three of us inside anyway.
“So,” he began, taking Gabriel from Babs’ arms and holding his grandson to his chest, “What brings you here this morning?”
“Well, Dad,” Babs replied, “there’s something I need to tell you.”
“What is it?” he asked, “finally figured out who this little guy’s daddy is?”
“Well,” Babs replied, anxiously, “I’ve actually known all along,” her father looked up at her sharply, “but I didn’t tell you, because I hadn’t told Gabriel’s dad that I was even pregnant.”
“You’re saying that you know who the dad is, but you didn’t tell me because he didn’t know?”
I just stood there quietly, waiting until the commissioner of Gotham police finally figured out why I was there.
“Yes,” Babs replied.
“And why are you telling me now?”
“Because,” Babs said, “a few weeks ago, he found out.”
“I see,” the commissioner replied, "Well, who is it?"
"It might be easier," Babs replied, "to tell you that Gabriel's full name is Gabriel Grayson."
"Grayson?" the commissioner muttered, taking it in before looking at me.
"He's yours?"
"Yes sir," I replied.
"I should have seen the resemblance," he said, "the kid looks just like you."
He handed my son to me and I took him in my arms.
"Just like you," he said, looking at the two of us besides each other.
He then looked straight at me," You'd better look after him."
"Of course, sir." I replied, "I'll guard him with my life."

Once Babs and I were back in the car an hour later, with Gabriel safely strapped into his bumper seat, Babs said, "Well, that went better than expected."
"I think he took it quite well," I replied.

We were now on the way to go and give Bruce the news. I was really nervous as to how they would react, Bruce in particular.

We soon arrived at the manor, where, once again, Babs knocked on the door. It was soon opened by Alfred, who had to do a double take when he saw both Babs and I standing there with me carrying a baby, although he hid it pretty well.
“Good heavens! Master Dick, Mistress Barbra, how lovely to see you. Please come inside.”
I grinned at the old British butler,” Thanks Alfie.”

We went inside and up to Bruce’s office, where we found him sitting at his desk. He looked up when we came in.
“Dick, Barbra, I didn’t know you were coming. We haven’t seen you for ages.”
He stood up, and glanced between the two of us, only then noticing Gabriel who was asleep against my chest.
“Who’s this?” he asked.
Babs and I glanced at each other.
“That’s what we’ve come to tell you,” I said.
Bruce glanced between the two of us.
“Should I get the others?” he asked, meaning Damian and Tim.
“It’s fine,” Babs said, before I could say anything, “It would probably be best if we explain everything to you first.”
“Alright,” Bruce agreed, seating himself back in his chair, “Why don’t you sit down and explain everything then.”
Babs and I sat down in two chairs in front of his desk as directed, with Gabriel continuing to sleep peacefully against me. He was quite a quiet child, although pretty energetic and active when awake.
“So,” Bruce said, “to repeat my question, who is this little guy?”
“This,” I said, steeling myself up for Bruce’s reaction, “is Gabriel Grayson.”
Bruce stared at the three of us, obviously not expecting it.
“He’s yours?” he asked.
“He’s ours, yes,” Babs replied.
It was then that Gabriel decided to wake up, blinking his blue eyes open slowly before looking up at Bruce.
Bruce looked back at him, blue eyes meeting blue.
“Here,” I said, standing up and walking over to the other side of the desk, “Would you like to hold him?”
Bruce stood up and I gently passed my son over to him. Bruce took him in his arms and peered closely at the four month old’s face.
“I can see the resemblance,” Bruce said finally, looking up at Babs and I, “he’s definitely yours.”

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