Keefs pov

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Today is the day I will see lance.....

I....I'm scared that he might be....with allura...

Maybe I shouldn't go back.....

Lance will be fine without me....right...?
.......................maybe he won't need me.....

—————-one hour later———————

"OH MY GOD! KEITH YOUR BACK!" Lance said as he hugged me supper tight.
" H-hey lance....I can't breathe" i said
"OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY!!!" Lance shouted
" hahaha...its okay" i said as i pated him on the head. " ugh. Can you guys be lovey dovey somewhere else." A voice behind us was allura....of course! Out of all the people why HeR? " don't you have better things to do allura?" Lance blurted out. With the attitude she did that make her and lance saw her stomp out and knock over a few things in the process.......oof.....
Hello! Im so sorry that I haven't been updating. I have no excuses. Tbh i just have writers block and depression ✌🏻😗.
Life honestly sucks for me and i just wanna end it all. But i will try and post more. But hecking school doe. 🥲 im done.

 🥲 im done

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