Lonces pov

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I...i feel so bad for keith.......i can wait to see him today.....and he is gonna stay in my room so we can talk about what happened...........
Oh hey keefs callin
Keef:h-hey lance
Lonce:hey keef...are u okay..?
Lonce: are you sure..?
Keef: yes im sure
Lonce: okay.....if you say so
Keef: welp ill be there in a hour.
Lonce:oh okay. When you get here do you wanna cuddle
Keef: y-yeah
Lonce: okay.
Keef: i gotta go
Lonce: well cya soon.
Keef.: cya
Lonce:*mumbles* luv u bye
Keef: love you too. Bye
                              |call end|
Oh my god.....keith heard me.......aaaaaaaa this is so embarrassing!!!!!! I wanna go die in a hole now @~@
Oh hello dare- i iz Gabriel and your watching disney channel- ok so i on the bus to school and i dunno if ppl lookin at my phone when im writing this currently. Ehhhhh TwT
Id totally appreciate it if they didn't look at meh phone ;-;
Welp- bai bai cya later  (178 words)

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