Jedediah and Octavius Imagine

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For KatieWeasley394 your name in this is Katie
WARNING: swearing

     It was just another boring night at the museum. Just kidding, nights at the museum are never boring with Jedediah and Octavius. It was mainly me trying to get at least one of them to notice that I liked them and them being completely oblivious. I sighed for the fifth time tonight. To be honest, I had had a crush on both of them since the museum was founded and our exhibits were put in. I, myself, was part of a native american miniature set. I was Katie of the Native American tribe.

     "What are you sighing about my lady?" Octavius asked.

     "Nothing," I said quickly, feeling my cheeks burn up because the truth was I was thinking about the one I liked a tad bit more, Jedediah. I quickly got up and started walking away when I tripped and fell, and guess who caught me, Jedediah. It looked like one of those cliche movies where the guy has the girl in his arms and he leans forward to kiss her, but instead of kissing me, once he realized how close we were, he dropped me, causing me to hit my head on the floor. I grunted in pain but stood up and walked to my tent. That was awkward.


Jedediah POV


      I watched as she walked away, man this was embarrassing. Octavius came up to me, he knew about my crush on Katie, and I knew about his crush on her, but we decided to not fight over her. Besides, she didn't like either of us, well, I don't think she did.

     "If you were waiting for the opportune moment to kiss her, that was it," he said as he walked away. I nodded, and followed her to her tennt silently. I decided to wait outside her tent until I was ready to tell her.

     "When is he gonna realize I like him?" she sighed to herself. Wait, was she talking about me? Shit. I leaned my ear to the side of the tent when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Octavius.

     "Let's ask her now," he said. I nodded and we gently pushed aside the curtain of the tent. She sat on her bed, writing in some sort of diary.

     "Yes, father?" she asked. Then she looked up and saw that it was us. "Oh, hey guys, whadd'ya want?" she put her book to the side and motioned for us to sit down.

     "Well, my lady, you see.." Octavius trailed off, obviously not having the courage to say it.

     "We both love you and were wondering if you had to who would you choose?" I asked her all in one breath.

     "Well, you see I've had this sort of big crush on both of you but I have a bigger one on...." she trailed off. She seemed very nervous to say it. I was holding my breath waiting for an answer.

     "Well hurry up and say or Jedediah here is going to turn blue," Octavius joked.

     "Can I just show you?" she asked. We nodded. She sighed and stood up. She started walking towards us and I got a bit excited. She leaned down infront of me and my heart was beating so loud I swear she could hear it. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and the immediatley pulled away and blushed. I was sure I was blushing too. Octavius didn't seem disheartened at all.

     "I see," he said, and exited the tent. Once he was gone I pulled Katie in for another kiss, this one long and passionate. Then Octavius came rushing in again and we immediatley pulled apart. "I forgot my..." he trailed off when he saw how close we were. He grabbed his sword and ran out snickering to himself. I pulled Katie in for a kiss once more, this time sithoutt interruptions.


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