What did you just call me? (buckyXreader)

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- WARNINGS: swearing and some violence as-well-as some PDA
- Bucky x female reader
- 2884 words
- enjoy!

    The avengers had just returned from a mission that Bucky and Steve had led. It had been a long mission and everyone was tired except for y/n, she was boiling. The mission had gone well for everyone except y/n, and being the newest recruit on the team Bucky had decided to "babysit" her during the mission.

"I can't believe you James" you screamed furiously as you exited the elevator. No one had ever heard her call Bucky James even when y'all had y'all's little daily arguments. Bucky and y/n were good friends, besides Steve y/n was the only other person Bucky clicked with.

Bucky followed y/n out of the elevator with the rest of the avengers following behind. "What did I do now babydoll?" he replied with a hint of surprise in his voice considering you just called him James.

You somehow got even more furious than you already were when he called you that nickname "DON'T call me babydoll" you shout at Bucky. "You practically told me to wait in the jet, like a mom telling her kid to wait in the car!"

"Well, if you didn't act like such a child then I wouldn't treat you like one"

Y/n eyes went wide he somehow made her even more pissed off. The two heroes walked side by side as they bark at one another. The rest of the team noticed the steam coming out of y/n's ears and Bucky's death glare to the rest of the team. Just that scene alone made everyone go to the opposite side of the main room they had just entered with the two friends.

Y/n stops dead in her tracks growling in disbelief "EXCUSE ME!! James, you're not my dad-"

"Whoah save the kinky talk for the bedroom" Tony blurts out slyly making both people fighting look at him like they are ready to pounce. Rhodey gives Tony a slap on the back of the head knowing he just pissed off y/n more. Nat and Clint were talking to each other making a bet on who would make the first physical move. Wanda and Vision both looked at each other a little confused but both wanted to leave this entire situation. Sam looks at Steve giving him a concerned look of 'should we stop this' but he notices Steve is just looking at all this unfold like it's a normal conversation. Banner, Thor, and, Peter are over in the corner overly and innocently confused at the situation and Tony's comment.

Sending Tony a death glare y/n snaps "For the last fucking time Tony we are just friends!"

"Could have fooled me" Tony said while rolling his eyes before noticing the look on y/n face, "Sorry my bad" he said quickly while putting his hands up to surrender, he didn't wanna get killed.

Y/n rolls her eyes thinking he will probably make another comment in a minute. He's been making them ever since y/n joined the team considering Bucky wasn't close to anyone besides Steve before y/n joined the team. She knows the group suspected something was going on between her and Barnes but tried to ignore it. She hit it off with everyone on the team, especially the winter soldier. It was a problem cause everyone babied her the first few missions before realizing she could handle herself but Bucky on the other hand hadn't seemed to catch on quite yet. Which was the cause of this fight.

"I'm going to say this one last time James Buchanan Barnes, I don't need a FUCKING babysitter"

"Why are you mad at me?" Bucky looked at the rest of the group for answers but they just stood there. With some serious balls he turned back to y/n he replied in a serious tone "It's not my fault you are the weakest one here"

"oh shit"
"oh god"
"are you trying to get yourself killed"
"Bucky why"

"What did you just call me?" y/n replied in a terrifyingly calm voice turning around to look at Bucky.

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