Chapter Six

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"Annabell! What a surprise!" I plaster on a fake smile, "I wasn't expecting to run into you right now!" I attempt to be polite. Key word... attempt

"I bet you weren't," she sasses.

"Did you want to talk to me?" I ignore her sassiness.

"Oh of course not! I just wanted to warn you." She glares at me coldly.

'Ohhhhh this outta be good!' My conscience laughs.

"Okay," I'll just let her tell me whatever she 'needs' to say and then I'll ignore her.

"You better stay away from my Shawn or else I'll-" She gets cut off by the bell and hundreds of students running out of their classrooms. Legit. Bolting like lightning! I'm shocked I don't see Zeus somewhere. The thunder and lightning being produced in this building shook my fudging ear canals.

'This is our chance to get away from her!' My conscience tells me and I take my chance.

I go in front of the tall basketball jocks and Alex spots me, "Hey, do you need help hiding from Annabell?" He asks me. Alex is one of the nice jocks who helps people. We aren't necessarily friends, but we might get there soon.

"Yeah, can you and the others help me out?" I look at him pleadingly.

"Hey guys, we really need to get some pineapple for lunch." He shouts.

And that's when the whole basketball team makes a little barrier around me, and they help hide me. All of them make a circle around me and they start to shuffle in a random direction. Apparently that is some kind of code word, and Alex comes down to my height.

"Where to?" He whispers.

"Ummm, the football bleachers?" I shrug nonchalantly.

"That's too obvious, she always looks there first," he warns.

"Then where?" I look at him expectantly.

One of Alex's friends jumped in, "Basketball court? We'll be there anyways, and we can hide her. Are you okay with that?" He questions, while looking directly at me.

"Yeah sure," I respond with a mini shrug.

"Okay! Guys, let's go eastbound." Alex orders and he whips his hand in that direction.

They all shift to go to that different direction and I look at Alex, "I don't know what did to get such a great friend but I'm not complaining!" I smile.

"Well when I like you, the whole basketball team likes you," he grins, "perks of being team captain!"

"Awwwwwwwww, aren't you so sweet!" I joke.

"I try," he teases back and we both burst out laughing along with some of the basketball team.


After lunch, with the basketball team, I go to my next class which is Spanish. I already fluently speak Spanish, because I took classes privately when I was younger. I guess I thought it was cool and my parents were fine with that (when I was little).

I still can't believe how awesome lunch was with the Basketball team! They were all so nice, and just overall great and genuine people. I am noticing that at West High, the basketball players are kind and amazing, but almost all the football players are most definitely jerks. I know Shawn isn't a jerk but the majority are.

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