Chapter Seven

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I make my way towards the doors that'll lead me outside to the football field. When I start getting close to them, I sprint the rest of the way and I throw those big doors open!

The whole football team looks over at me curiously, while the Coach looks at me with an expression that is full of annoyance.

"Miss Summers, why are you not in class?" He yells.

'Oh shoot did Mrs. Violets give me a pass?' I look down at the papers she shoved into my hands (when she shoved me out the room) and I see a pass on top of everything.

"Hello Coach, I have a pass to be here from Mrs. Violets and that I'm allowed to be here." I confidently walk up to him and I hand him the pass.

'Wow Willow! Where is all of this confidence coming from?' My sub conscience asks in a tone that sounds... Impressed?

'I don't know, but it feels great!' I smirk mentally.

"Well I don't care if you have a pass, I'm not letting you stay here." He denies.

And you know what I do? Well, I just laugh. Everyone looks taken aback by my sudden burst of courage and their Coach gets mad.

"Miss Summers would you like to explain what's so funny?" He glares at me.

"Sure! Well you just told me I couldn't stay here even though Mrs. Violets gave me permission to be here. You do know that Mrs. Violets has the power to get your job taken away from you right?" I ask seriously.

"I-I-" The coach stutters while the whole football team looks at me in shock.

"So I'll ask you again. Hi Coach, Mrs. Violets gave me permission to be here! Is that okay with you?" I ask, putting on a fake cheery smile.

"Y-Yeah of cou-urse." He stutters nervously.

"That's great! Thanks!" As I walk past the whole football team, I see Shawn.

He gives me a huge smile and mouths, "Nice job Miss Summers!"

"Thanks," I mouth back.

I then proceed to climb up to the very top of the bleachers, and write my Orchestra song.


I look over what I wrote so far. This is going to be a depiction of how I feel, my story, journey, and what I learn throughout my Orchestra experience. Right as I am looking over my sharps, flats, rests, slurs, half notes, quarter notes, and so much more I feel a presence by me.

"Shawn?" I ask automatically before I even look up.

"How'd you know it was me?" He pouts.

"Magic!" I answer excitedly.

"Sure." he remarks sarcastically, "Coach just wanted me to tell you that we have three more minutes until school is over, so you should think about going to your locker to pack up."

"Why couldn't Coach just tell me that?" I ask looking down at Coach. He immediately looks away from me when I saw him looking at me.

"He's scared of you," Shawn chuckles, "And it's understandable, because you scared most of the football team too. I am the only one who is willing to come up here because I know you won't hurt a fly." He laughs.

"If only Coach knew!" I laugh along with him.

"I better head back down there, just remember to meet me here around 3:15. Will you be ready by then for gelato?" He questions.

"Yeah I will be, now get down there before they think we're dating or something." I joke.

"That wouldn't be so bad," he says seriously.

"Still, go back and your team still needs you." I retort.

He looks like he has a comeback to that but he just answers, "Okay, see you in fifteen." Then he runs down the bleachers in record time.

I get up, put all my things in a neat pile and then I head down the bleachers. Unlike Shawn I take my time, and I go down slowly.

When I'm inside the building I see Principal Davids walking around.

'Shoot! I haven't perfected my limping skills yet!' I complain to myself, 'Oh well.'

I start limping to my locker which is past Principal Davids.

"Oh, hi there Miss Summers." He furrows his eyebrows, "How's your leg feeling?" All he is doing is just staring at my leg.

"It's better, but occasionally it squirts out blood, or the healing wound just splits right back open." I shrug casually.

"How can you be so nonchalant about that Miss Summers? You just cut your leg pretty badly, and you're still so calm! How?" His voice is baffled.

"Well, my mom is a nurse and sometimes I tag along with her when she goes to work, and I've seen worse." Memories start invading my head and they're making me kind of queasy.

"Oh, well remember to tell your mom to check on that for you," he reminds me.

"Will do," I say while opening my locker and getting all my stuff. When I turn around he's still just standing there.

"Ummm, Principal Davids?" I wave a hand in his face for a couple of seconds.

"Yeah, sorry I was just thinking about some stuff." He waves his hand.

Just as I am about to answer, the bell rang and I use this chance to leave Principal Davids behind. I exit towards the football fields where I know Shawn is waiting and true to his word, he is there but he is with... Annabell?

'I have to know more about this!' I think as I get closer to where they are sitting.

Just as I'm getting closer, Shawn notices me.

"Annabell just leave me alone! I do not need your negativity in my life. And please leave now I have someone who I care about here and she really does not need your negativity in her life either." He finishes and he starts walking over to me.

"I know you'll come running back to me." She flips her hair over her shoulder and then she leaves after glaring a hole in my head.

I would be six feet under if her looks and glances could kill. Scratch that, I'd be so deep down that you wouldn't even know where I am!

'Hmmmmm... Running back to me... I really, really, really want to know more about this. I'll just ask later,' I finalize my plans.

Well, what do you guys think about Annabell and Shawn? Should I make them a couple?! I really want to make them a couple.. But anyways what are your thoughts? Who do you want to see more of?! Do you think Willow is making the right choice on snooping? Share your thoughts in the comments please! They really do mean a lot!

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