The Unexpected Visit

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Nightmare's group and Dream's group all decided to hang out with each other in the mansion.

They we're all chatting and having fun, playing games and such. When they we're playing truth or dare well...... That ended up with Horror and Lust making out in the closet and Error and Ink doing the same in one of the kitchen closets.

After a while their was a knock on the door, Cross insisted that he can get it, Nightmare offered to come with, but Cross protested saying he'll be fine, Nightmare frowned but let him be.

Cross made his way down the hall, holding the wall and humming a soft tune. When Cross made it to the door, he felt around for the doorknob. Once he found it, he opened the door. He was greeted by a gasp and a tight embrace. Cross was surprised, he was about to call for help when he smelled a familiar scent. Chocolate and lavender.



Cross flinched by the volume, pretty sure Nightmare and rest heard that.

"I missed you so much Cross!" Jakei said, hugging the smol oreo tightly.

"I missed you, too"

Soon they pulled away, Cross' mom; Jakei holding his shoulders. "Cross when Epic told me you aren't living in your old apartment anymore, I got so worried! You should have told me you couldn't afford rent anymore! I could've helped you!And why are you here?!" Jakei said, pouting slightly. Cross gave a nervous smile, before explaining what happened and told his mother what happened.

Jakei's eyes widened, "THEY KIDNAPPED YOU?!?!" Jakei yelled, shock at what she just heard. Cross immediately shook his head, protesting. "No no no! Its nothing like that! He offered me a home and I went with him!" Cross stated, puffing his cheeks.

"So...let me get this straight.... A stranger offered my blind son to get in his car so he can take him to his house....?"

Cross laughed nervously, sweating a bit. "W-When you say it l-like that......I-It does sound like I got kidnapped......" There was a moment of silence, before Cross felt someone grab his wrist, and started getting dragged somewhere.

"I'm calling your father"

"W-What?! Why?! M-Mom! Let go!" Cross said, trying to get out of his mothers grip. You can't stop her now Crossy boi when mom gets her hands on something we know very well it will take more than that to get her to let go Chara said, accepting their fate.

"PLEASE Please! Let go I'm fine!"

"Nuh uh young man your going home when your father is here, am I understo-"


The two both turned their heads to the source.

Cross heard the familiar voice of the other and perked up. "Nightmare!" Cross said, smiling at- what he assumed was - the other. Jakei squinted her eye's at Nightmare, but kept silent, He seems so familiar. Then her eye's widened.

"Sweet mother of Joku!" Jakei suddenly exclaimed, making Cross jump a bit.

Nightmare just had a surprised and confused expression on his face, how in the world did she know that phrase?

Jakei then smirked, staring at Nightmare. "Well isn't it the oldest son....Nightmare Joku" Jakei stated, crossing her arms, Cross close beside her.

Nightmare growled. "How do you know my name?!" Nightmare said, feeling frustrated, Jakei scoffed. "Calm down drama queen, I'm a friend of your mother" Jakei said, making Nightmare glare at her.

"Mom can you just leave..."


Nightmare asked, shocked. This was Cross mom, the person he loves' mom, the person he has to ask blessings for when he marries Cr-. Nightmare shook his head. 'This is not the time Nightmare!' He thought, and focused on Cross' mom.

Jakei sighed, she could let Cross live here with him, now that she knows that the person who 'kidnapped' her baby was one of the Joku twins.

"Fine..... Go on"

Cross smiled, then slowly walked forward. Nightmare slowly reached a tentacle out and wrapped it around Cross wrist -making him jump slightly- then slowly pulled him towards him.

Jakei then glared at the octopus.

"You better not do anything fishy young man or so help me I'll-"

"Dear, stop threatening the poor boy"

A voice cut her off, as they all turned their attention to the tall skeleton leaning against a car. Cross was just confused on what spoke, holding Nightmare's tentacle as it wrapped around his waist protectively.

The tall skeleton turned his attention to Nightmare, then eye's widened when he saw Cross wrapped around his tentacle. He turned his attention to Jakei, and gave her an unamused look. "Dear, If you called me here to drag Cross away from his boyfriend then I wouldn't have came, Just let him have a lover his old enough" X said crossing his arms, a bone brow raised.


Nightmare and Cross exclaimed at the same time, both exploding with blush.
X turned to them, and gave them a confused look. "Your not dating?" X asked, arms crossed. Cross even though he can't see, he already knew very well who the monster talking to his mother was. X. Cross' father.

"D-Dad.....I only l-live with him..."

Cross was sure by now he looked like a grape, he hid his face in his hands, hoping that the goopy other didn't see his vibrant blush.

X stared at them, dumbfounded by the information, then chuckled shaking his head. He then grabbed his human wife, and tossed her over his shoulder, even though she protested. "Well I'll leave you guys be, remember to visit ok, Cross?" X said, smiling mischievously.

Nightmare looked at the smaller as the smaller nodded, smiling at how cute Cross' blush was. He snapped his attention back to Cross' father, when he snapped his fingers several times. He started mouthing words, that made the octopus explode with cyan blush.

'Go easy on him, it's his first time~'

Then placed his wife in the car and drove off, leaving a flustered skeleton and a still blushing small skeleton.

It was silent for awhile, till Nightmare broke the silence.

"Well that was unexpected...." Nightmare muttered, still holding the Oreo in his arms and tentacle.

"Yeah...." Cross responded, his blush dying down.

It was silent again, until they decided to go back inside.

While waking through the halls towards the living room, Nightmare got curious if Cross was actually going to visit them. He looked down at the smaller, and stretched his hand out to stop the Oreo from walking, which he did. Cross grabbed the arm gently, confused. "Cross I have a question" Nightmare asked, putting his hand down, making the Oreo clumsily let go. Cross hummed in acknowledgement, looking at where he heard the others voice.

"Are you actually planning to visit them?"Nightmare asked, unsure.

"I guess....I heard from Killer that you guys sometimes go on business trips and that its to dangerous to bring me...even though it's just a business trip.......its suspicious really.....but if you guys do go, you guys can just drop me off at my parents or just leave me in the mansion.....and again, I repeat, I'll be fine by myself.....I'm not that helpless...."Cross muttered the last part, looking down playing with his own fingers. Nightmare stared at him, then sighed, Its not a bad idea and Cross could hang out with his family again.

His going to have a talk with Killer and the rest of the crew, about telling Cross about their 'business', cause the Oreo might get frightened and something bad might happen to the smaller if he gets involved. So it's better not to tell him or he might get hurt, or worse.

Nightmare shook his head, getting that awful thought out of his head. He won't allow that, he'll do everything in his power to keep the smaller safe.

Even if it means killing everyone in his way.....

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