The Sick Oreo

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You're a fucking idiot Cross

The demon ghost child said, as the smol Oreo laid in bed avoiding the rest of his friends.

Cross had gotton sick after almost drowning and he didn't want to bother his friends so he didn't tell them, and now he was getting worse.

Cross was panting and coughing, his bones aching. He was burning up and nobody suspected a thing. Chara was scolding Cross for not telling anyone and kept calling him stupid and crazy for it, But Cross wouldn't budge, can he even stand? He can't anymore cause the pain of his aching bones are unbearable.

Its been a week since the incident, he's been sick with no treatment what's so ever. And he was getting worse by the second.

Chara huffed getting tired of Cross stubbornness. Cross just tell them already!

Cross shook his head weakly, muttering that he didn't want to bother them. You haven't bothered them...FOR A WEEK!!!! Chara yelled, making Cross wince at their tone. But Cross still wouldn't tell them.

The room was now silent, except for the sound of Cross' soft panting and coughing fits.

It was silent till their was a knock on the door, he was glad he locked the door cause he didn't have the energy to stand up.

"Cross?" Came the muffled voice of Killer.

"Y-Yes?" Cross responded, his voice a bit raspy from the lack of water.

"Its time for lunch? You want any?"


Killer stood their for awhile then shrugged and gave an 'ok' as response then left.

When he made it to the dinning room, he saw everyone their so he took a sit that was beside Nightmare.

Nightmare looked at Killer then looked at the door way, expecting a little blind Oreo to stumble through the door way, but after a couple of minutes of waiting he knew the shorter skeleton wouldn't come, again. Cross had been skipping meals with them for the whole week, and Nightmare was getting suspicious. But he just brushed it of as it was just 'Cross being Cross' and began eating.

But he stopped eating when he heard a loud thud from upstairs, the only person he knew was upstairs was Cross.

They all stopped eating and rushed up stairs, when they made it to Cross room Dust tried the door knob. Locked.

"Its locked" Dust said.

"Maybe your just not turning it the right way" Killer said.

"I'm not an idiot Killer I know how to open a fucking door"

"Really I didn't know"

"Oh ho ho! You wanna go bitch!"

"Bring it asshole!"

"BOTH OF YOU STOP IT AND CONCENTRATE ON THE TASK AT HAND" Nightmare yelled, before turning to face the door scowling. He raised his tentacles high before he slammed them at the door, breaking the lock. 'I'll fix that later' he thought before he stepped in, the rest following.

There they saw Cross unconscious on the ground, purple blush plastered all over his face.

Nightmare ran to him, kneeling by his side. He placed his hand on his head but quickly moved it back cause it burned, Cross was basically boiling hot.

"Shit he has a really bad fever" Nightmare said, before picking Cross up bridal-style then turning to his crew. "Killer and Dust I need you to make chicken soup and buy some medicine, Horror and Error I need you to get a bucket of water and a small towel or clean rags"Nightmare said. They all nodded and ran out the door.

Nightmare snapped his attention back to Cross when he started coughing. Nightmare quickly placed Cross on his bed and put his blanket over him, then Cross opened his eyes.

His eye lights darted everywhere, his eye socket's half lidded, he doesn't remember going back to the bed.


Cross jumped slightly by the sudden voice and turned to the source. "N-Night -cough- m-mare?" Cross asked, his voice shaky and raspy. Nightmare felt concerned about the Oreo just by his voice, he placed a hand on Cross cheek even though it was hot, he didn't care. "Yeah its me, why didn't tell anyone about your fever, Cross?" Nightmare asked, concern and worry clear in his voice.

Cross looked sad and a shamed, but told him anyways. "I-I didn't want to -cough- b-bother anyone.... Y-You all already d-do so -cough- m-much -cough- f-f-for me c-cause of m-my b-blindness s-so I wanted to t-take care of t-this my self -cough-" Cross respond, coughing sometimes as he spoke. Nightmare felt bad for Cross, he should've noticed the Oreo not feeling well, he should've made sure he was alright.

Soon Error and Horror came back with a bucket of water and a clean rag. After they placed it on Cross' nightstand, Nightmare told them to leave, so they did.

Nightmare dipped the clean rag in the bucket then squeezed it to get the water out, before placing it on Cross' temple. Cross seemed content and relaxed by the action, liking the cool feeling on his skull. Nightmare smiled gently at Cross' relaxed face. He cupped Cross' cheek bone again, But this time Cross nuzzled it. Nightmare blushed, but didn't move his hand, liking the Oreo to feel comfortable and happy.

Soon Killer came a tray with the soup and chocolate milk, Dust holding a plastic bag of medicine. Nightmare quickly pulled his hand away and stood up making his way to Killer and Dust, taking the tray and the medicine. He told them they can leave, so they did. Nightmare made his way back to Cross, placing the tray on the night stand.

"Can you sit up?"

Cross tried to sit up, but failed miserably his body doesn't have enough energy for that. He shook his head, pouting a bit. To which Nightmare found adorable.

Nightmare then helped Cross sit up, the head board supporting Cross' back. Nightmare began to feed Cross, ignoring the smallers protests. Cross just gave in after awhile, finding it useless to argue with the other.

Once Cross finished the soup. Nightmare began to measure how much Cross needed, pouring it in a medicine measuring cup.

He gave Cross the tiny cup and told him to drink it, Cross did so but it was still in his mouth. Cross' face scrunched up in disgust and Nightmare knew what Cross was gonna do. He quickly placed his hand on Cross mouth, so he couldn't spit it out. "Swallow it, Cross" Nightmare said, keeping his hand firmly on the Oreo's mouth. Cross squirmed a bit, hating the taste of the medicine. But swallowed anyways.

Nightmare removed his hand from the oreos mouth, then grabbing the chocolate milk and placing it on Cross' hand. Cross looked at his hand wearily not knowing what the other gave him, he brought it near his face and sniffed it. Then immediately drank it knowing it was his favorite drink, chocolate milk.

Once Cross finished, Nightmare took the cup away from him, Placing it on the night stand, then helping Cross lay down properly.

Once Cross was comfortable, Nightmare placed the cooled towel back on his head. Cross smiled gently, making Nightmare mirror his expression.

"T-Thank you Nightmare"

"Your welcome Cross"

"C-Can you tell the o-others I-I said t-thank you as well"


After that Cross fell asleep, Nightmare smiled, then stood up. But before he left, a thought popped in his head. He turned to look at Cross before leaning closer to him and kissing his temple, then he left.

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