
10 1 0

word count: 632

date written: 9.4.19

verse: canon; scene rewrite


"we can't risk anymore penalties," connie sighed, leaning back in her chair. just when she thought she was on top of everything, it all immediately nosedived. it was starting to feel like trying to pilot a plane she had no control over. "so no breaches, stringent treatment coding-"

"does hanssen know that we're barely functioning as it is?" elle asked, cutting connie off before she could recite her entire action plan for the third time. she herself had been dead on her feet every shift for the past few weeks, even having to forfeit her lunch break most days, so to say they were struggling was an understatement. "why don't we just drag him down here so he can see what we're dealing with for himself? if we time it just right, i might even be able to get someone to puke on those expensive shoes of his."


"i'm joking!" elle assured her, grinning wickedly. "well, mostly."

"look, we just have to keep on top it, okay?" connie said, lacing her fingers together. she trusted elle to try her best, and didn't doubt that she already was, but they had to try even harder now. "all of it."

elle nodded, suddenly serious, before getting to her feet. she'd been trying to relieve some of the pressure on connie as it was, not wanting her to stress over the department's performance after everything that had happened, but it seemed as though her efforts had been in vain for the most part.

"and elle?"

elle stopped at the sound of her name, looking back at connie and frowning when she forced an unconvincing smile. "about the attack..." connie started almost uncertainly, far more animated than was normal for her. elle certainly didn't miss the way she avoided her gaze or the fervent movement of her hands, the ring on her little finger repeatedly catching the light of the lamp behind her. "i really don't need protecting, thank you."

elle paused, letting go of the door handle as she studied connie from across the room. "i know," she said after a moment, reluctant to simply leave despite knowing that was likely what connie wanted judging by the finality of her words. "i know you don't but..." she hesitated, folding her arms. she knew what connie was like when it came to having other people care about her -- she all but loathed it, unwilling to let them see her vulnerable for fear that they'd use it against her or view her as weak -- but elle was tired of keeping her mouth shut. "i'm worried about you."

connie immediately stiffened in her seat, hands hidden in her lap as she forced herself to hold elle's gaze. "why?" she asked, voice slightly strained. "i'm perfectly fine. there isn't anything to worry about."

"that's what you keep saying," elle sighed, having more than expected that to be her response. it was the same one she always gave, as though she was reading from a script. "but you've been acting off for almost a month now, especially with me, so what do you expect me to do?" connie didn't answer, eyeing her blankly, and elle shook her head in defeat. "look, i just didn't want you to think about what happened but if you're sure you're fine then i'll try to let it go." she reached for the door handle again but turned back before she left to offer connie a warm smile. "and if you're not, you know where to find me."

she closed the door gently in her wake, somehow feeling more concerned coming out than she had going in, and left connie alone with her thoughts once more. whether or not that was such a good thing these days, however, she wasn't any closer to knowing. 

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