Cold Hard Truth

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AN WOW GUYS!!!! This comeback went so much better than I expected. I was very skeptical about the last chapter because i felt like it was more of a filler than anything else. I am thankful for the way you all have received me and this comeback. You don't know how much that means to me.

Troye POV

Two things happened at once. The first was, my stomach fell onto the floor. The second, was I was suddenly painfully hard. O.K.  I slipped my hand over to the pile of clothes I saw waiting on the foot of the bed, grabbing onto them and sliding them back to me. I went under the cover and, with great difficulty might I add, put on the black boxers and quick ensemble of jeans and a t-shirt. I poked my head back out, allowing my body to follow when I was sure the embarrassment of the situation had effectively gotten rid of the obvious bulge that had sprung up with his confession. I sat quietly on the edge of the bed, before I uttered the words I had been thinking for the last sixty seconds. 

"O.K. What the fuck?" I asked. My voice was shockingly stable, despite the roller coaster of emotions I was feeling. And then something happened I thought I would have to wait to see. He walked away. Imagine my surprise when something that was supposed  to give me relief, felt like it was quite literally trying to rip me apart. But he payed me no mind. He walked over to the wall on the opposite side of the room. In fact, he looked... Strange. Never before had he looked quite like he did in that very moment.

"Troye." he spoke. He sounded so strained, almost like his voice was changing, I'm sure the stress of this was a bit much for him though. It had me reeling. I had even stood up without realizing it, and I was walking toward him before I remembered that probably wasn't the wisest idea.

"Troye" He said again, drawing my attention back to him, stopping dead  in my tracks. I looked up to see he had lay his head on his arm against the wall. He looked... I'm not even sure words could describe him if I tried. So I waited.

"I'm going to show you something. Don't run" He finished. My heart stopped, fear immediately coursing through my veins. I prepared my body for whatever reaction needed: be that flight or fight; I wasn't going to get hurt again. And then he turned around. The air left my body, and I was suddenly so weak, that with a whimper, I fell to my knees, a trembling mess. I cast my eyes down, unable to continue to look at him while he looked the way he did. I hadn't anticipated a third reaction. Lust. 

He had changed right before my eyes. Hair a mess, pajamas still intact, he was Tyler, but suddenly, I didn't feel man enough to call him that. His jaw had locked, showing me that impressive jaw line strong enough to cut glass. His eyes, once so soft and beautiful, had suddenly become cold with a strength that seemed to sap the very life from my body. His once inviting aurora was now so Strong, I lost complete control of myself. No, I couldn't look at him.

"That's what I meant when I said you show signs of being extremely submissive." His once light happy voice had now taken a deep tone, locking me in place, stealing the breath I had thought I had regained. And then I fucking moaned. I'm not even sure why. I was scared out of m- wait. I wasn't scared. I was... I was turned on? Holy shit. This controlling shit had me turned on. How the fu-

"Now I know for a fact." He finished smugly. And holy shit, a Tyler Oakley with such a tone, was enough to knock anyone to their knees. As my luck would have it though, I was already on my knees. So I leaned forward, resting my head on my knees trying to regain some sense of self. I was lost.

"Please" the word left my mouth before I thought better of it. I wasn't sure what I was asking for, but I sure as hell needed it. Now. I heard the tale tell sounds of him coming closer to me. Suddenly a hand wrapped around the back of my neck for the second time that day. My breath came easier, the shaking had stopped. I had regained control, yet I hadn't. Tyler had given it to me. When he removed his hand, I raised, confused as hell, tears pricking my eyes.

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